Patriotic Ads Urge Consumers To Buy Cars

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 16, 2001, 9:07 PM

N E W   Y O R K, Oct. 17 -- Since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, patriotic signs and slogans are popping up everywhere, including on recent TV ads that urge consumers to help America by buying a new set of wheels, with zero percent financing.

The Big Three automakers General Motors, Ford and DaimlerChrysler have rolled out new ad campaigns that essentially wave the American flag as part of their pitch. With slogans like GM's "Keep America Rolling," and "Ford Drives America," the ads are light on interest rates and heavy on patriotism. Chevy's ad line: "It's one way we can help keep America rolling forward."

One Denver-area car dealer even had a "buy one get one free" offer: "The president has asked us to keep things rolling and not react to our crisis," the dealer says in the advertisement. The deals are worthwhile, one industry expert said.

"I think it's probably the best time to buy a car there's ever been," said car-buying expert Remar Sutton, quickly adding that consumers should scrutinize the fine print on any agreement.

Meanwhile, some critics of these ads think they are in poor taste and are capitalizing on the Sept. 11 tragedy. What do you think of the ads?

Bob Garfield of Advertising Age magazine told ABCNEWS' Good Morning America that he doesn't have a problem with car deals but he's bothered by the patriotic messages behind them.

"They are suggesting they are doing this as their patriotic duty, but they are doing it to sell automobiles. To tie it into this tragedy, to this horror, to me is simply disgusting," Garfield said.

Read the Fine Print

Some of the deals offered might not be what they seem. When Good Morning America's consumer correspondent Greg Hunter took a closer look at the Denver buy one get one free offer, for instance, he found out that the free car is actually a used car.

As for the zero-percent financing offered by the nation's top auto manufacturers, you might not be able to get a no-interest loan if you have poor credit. Chrysler's zero-percent financing offer is limited to those who sign on for three-year loans on 2002 models.