H.S. Shooting Suspect's Brother Speaks

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 15, 2001, 11:43 AM

N E W   Y O R K, March 15 -- The half brother of Andy Williams, who's accused of going on a deadly shooting spree in his California high school, says he's been in "total shock" since the 15-year-old was arrested.

After hearing about the March 5 shooting at Santana High School that left two students dead and 13 other people wounded, "I just broke down and cried," Michael Williams, 20, told ABCNEWS' Good Morning America.

An Unhappy Move

The stepbrothers saw each other just twice a year, and Andy had last visited Michael at his Atlanta home over Christmas. Michael said Andy always talked about his friends back in Santee, Calif., during their visits, but never mentioned being bullied or made fun of in school.

"All he talked about was his friends. He always had a small group of really close friends," said Michael. "That's what he usually talked about most of the time."

Andy's parents divorced when he was just 4 years old; Michael moved in with their mom and Andy stayed with his father. Michael says Andy rarely saw their mother after the split.

Michael admitted Andy said he wasn't as happy in California as he had been Maryland, where he had lived until two years ago. Friends say his small size, pale complexion and high voice made him the easy target of bullies at his Southern California high school, who began teasing him and beating him up.

Peer Pressure, Not Home Problems

Michael said doesn't think family problems pushed his brother over the edge.

"I think it was more peer pressure than home problems," he said. "Kids can be cruel, pretty much."

Neither Michael nor his mother have spoken with Andy since his arrest. In a statement released through the San Diego County Public Defenders Office last week, the Williams expressed their regret for the attack.

"The Williams family would like to express their deepest sympathy to the family and friends of both boys who were killed," the statement said. "They send their heartfelt condolences to people who were injured, and to their loved ones. They would like all of you to know that they were horror-stricken by the events that took place at Santana High School and they remain shocked and confused."