Neighborhood, Church Stand Off Over Noise

Locals complain to police over noise from predominantly black church.

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 29, 2007, 8:40 AM

April 29, 2007 — -- In northeast Ohio, local residents are facing off with an unlikely adversary: worshippers at a neighborhood church. According to residents, the church's services are far too noisy, but church members say they're simply expressing their faith.

Coming together to worship in prayer and song is a weekly ritual for millions, but at Christ the Warrior King Church in Massillon, Ohio, the weekly celebrations are causing complaints.

"It is unbelievable," Susan Malinowski said. "We live directly across from the church and the windows vibrate."

Residents have petitioned the city to intervene, saying the music and prayer are just too loud.

Police have had to stop by on multiple occasions, including during Saturday night's rehearsal, after receiving phone calls.

"We are not going to be loud just to disrupt the neighbors," the church's pastor Troy Sowell said. "We are going to celebrate Jesus. That's my First Amendment right."

The church members agree.

"All we want to do is praise the Lord," said Jerena Copeland, who attends the church.

Some claim that this is a race issue; the church members are mainly black in this predominantly white community. Neighbors, however, say that's not true.

"We're extremely happy somebody is using the church," neighborhood resident Christine Winters said. "It's just a matter of the noise."

Another neighbor, Mike Seesum, wants the church to say it's sorry.

"I think that they owe the neighborhood an apology for putting us in this position to be in and to have to endure this constant level of noise," Seesum said.

Sowell, however, believes that the church is being an excellent Christian neighbor and calls the accusations of shaking windows ridiculous.

"We're exercising our right to worship and praise God," Sowell, who expected about 50 people at his morning services, told "Good Morning America Weekend Edition" on Sunday. "The Bible tells us to make a joyful noise. I'm going to exercise what God says for me to do."