'The Diana Chronicles'

Tina Brown's book "The Diana Chronicles" paints a darker portrait.

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 12, 2007, 8:44 AM

June 12, 2007 — -- In the nearly 10 years since Princess Diana's death, her popularity has not dimmed.

A searing new book gives her legacy new life. It's called "The Diana Chronicles" and the author is legendary magazine editor Tina Brown. Her book paints a darker portrait of "the people's princess."

In the second part of Brown's interview on "Good Morning America" this morning, she discussed Diana's relationship with Dodi Al Fayed and answered viewers' questions.

Brown claims the rumors of a pending engagement between the princess and Al Fayed weren't true. "It's a fairy story I'm afraid," Brown said. "None of the evidence that I could see substantiated that."

She claims that it was a romantic retaliation and that the union wouldn't have lasted.

Brown, who met Diana shortly after her wedding, last saw the princess about six weeks before her death. She said the change in her was unbelievable.

"The thing about Diana was that fame and pain made her more and more beautiful," Brown said. "It was hard to imagine this very confident, secure, centered woman could end up with Fayed."

The princess was a media darling and after her marriage to Prince Charles began to collapse, she pleaded for privacy. "I hope you can find it in your hearts to understand and to give me the time and space that has been lacking in recent years," Diana said in 1993.

The book also discusses Diana's weight issues. After her engagement to Prince Charles, Brown writes, Diana "grew obsessed with her appearance." Charles' offhand remark that she felt "chubby" sent Diana on a "dieting binge." Her waist dropped from 29 inches to 23½.

Brown says Diana loved Barbara Cartland romance novels and they helped shape her views. Even though Diana's fairy-tale wedding ended in a public divorce, some still speculate about what could have been for the prince and princess.

Viewer Rachel S., of Cumberland, Pa., wrote in and asked, "Do you ever think that Diana and Charles could have ever worked it, or was every relationship she would ever have, doomed."