Hilton Prepares To Leave Jail

Heiress expected to leave jail in coming days.

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 8, 2009, 12:29 AM

June 24, 2007 — -- In preparation for Paris Hilton's release from jail some time in the coming days, police already have made parking temporarily off limits around her Hollywood Hills home to avoid media madness.

But with a literal crush of media interest, anything can happen when the hotel heiress walks free after 23 days behind bars.

"Paris Hilton's case, her release now, they seem to rank up there with a murder case like O.J. or a child molestation case like Michael Jackson," said ABC News legal analyst Royal Oakes.

Lawyers said with her time served, Hilton now can go anywhere. But, her legal problems aren't over.

"A judge is going to require her to make sure that she checks in, that she perhaps participates in an alcohol rehabilitation program, some sort of counseling," Oakes said.

Hilton's neighborhood is located near Los Angeles famed Sunset Strip. Hilton has promised to behave and change her life upon her release -- but some wonder if the heiress, who is famous for being famous, will be able to avoid the temptation of clubs and nightlife.

"At this point, Paris probably [is] very sincere about wanting to change her life and do good things, but she doesn't have a great track record," said Us weekly West Coast deputy editor Dina Sansing. "I'm not sure she'll be able to keep it up."

One thing that does appear certain is Hilton's first post-jail interview. It will go to Larry King.