"Harry Potter" Sleepover

A group of 11 children began flipping through the new "Harry Potter" at 1 a.m.

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 21, 2007, 11:16 AM

July 21, 2007 — -- As Harry Potter fans stood outside New York's Times Square Friday night waiting for the final book about the boy wizard to come out, a group of 11 children patiently waited for a 1 a.m. shipment to a "Harry Potter" slumber party in an ABC studio.

Half of the children were confident they'd have the book completed by sunrise.

"It's not really like any of other series and you actually feel like you're in the book," one girl said.

"People love it so much," another girl said. "They can just imagine them being there themselves. It's so awesome for them."

The group settled in to watch a Harry Potter film, only to quickly opt of a story reading instead.

"The books are better," one girl said.

The children were emphatic about their desire not to read any leaked copies over the Internet. And a heated trivia game would have made even Professor Dumbledore proud of the real-life pupils.

When the magical shipment of books finally arrived just after 1 a.m., the children believed the wait was worth it.

Two of the attendees completed the book by morning.

"It was not what I expected, but I enjoyed it a lot," Justice said. "It was surprising."

Laura, the other person to finish reading the book, said she was a little sad that this was the final chapter in the series.

"It's been a great experience reading the book, so I'll have that with me," she said.