Five Home Improvement Projects Under $50 (Almost)

Wendy Bounds has five cheap and easy ways to improve your home and help it sell.

ByABC News via GMA logo
August 1, 2007, 9:41 AM

Aug. 1, 2007 — -- Not all home improvements have to break the bank, some small changes can make a big difference in the value of your home.

Wendy Bounds, author of The Wall Street Journal's home improvement column, Did It Myself, has five simple projects you can do yourself, most of which will cost less than $50.

Bounds says if she can do these projects, anyone can. "You can definitely do all of these by yourself, using the Internet if you get stuck," Bounds said.

The projects are listed from the easiest to the most difficult.

Before painting, it's important to patch up the walls. New tools make it easy to fix tiny imperfections in Sheetrock, as well as bigger ones. The easiest, cheapest fix for tiny holes from picture frames, small paint chips and nails is a patch stick.

The DAP Patch Stick is an all-in-one product perfect for small nicks. No other tools are needed, and it comes with built-in plastic spackle knife to wipe off excess hardening in minutes. You can get it at any home improvement store.

Cost: $3-$10

More serious holes and damage will require joint pound and a putty knife.