'Bagh-Daddies' Steal Obama Girl's Heart

Obama Girl's got a new video. This time she's singing for soldiers.

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 22, 2007, 8:32 AM

Sept. 22, 2007 — -- For more than half a century, the USO has entertained the troops by bringing them live performances from the day's biggest stars.

But the times are changing: In the age of viral videos, the troops have a new form of entertainment. They're far from home with broadband access.

Now, the YouTube sensation who became known as "Obama Girl," singing for Internet audiences everywhere about her crush on Obama, has a new object of affection. Instead of singing about a man running for office, she's professing her love for men in uniform.

"Not many guys can combat insurgencies," she sings in the clip, "I Like a Boy." "So come on and be my sugar Bagh-daddy."

Call her fickle. But ObamaGirl seems to have gotten over her fixation on C-SPAN. Maybe Obama kept her waiting too long.

In "I Like a Boy," she rejects the advances of a preppy with an iPhone. She knows what she's looking for: "I like a boy who rocks a doggy tag," she sings.

It's something Amber Lee Ettinger knows a thing or two about. Not only is she the actress who plays Obama Girl, but she's also a military brat.

"My father has been in the military for 23 years, he served in Vietnam when he was 18 years old, so he's my hero," Ettinger said. "Doing this was a little bit closer to my heart."

The new video is from the team at BarelyPolitical.com. It was commissioned by the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. And among Obama Girl's backup singers are actual wives and girlfriends of troops currently serving overseas.

"Some of first responses were from Iraq," said Paul Rieckhoff, executive director of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. "It's become viral. Everyone's passing it on, forwarding through MySpace, through e-mail."

So what about Obama?

"I'll always have a crush on Obama," she said, "but there's hot guys in it [the new video] too, so you never know."