Terror Suspect's Lawyer: Escape Tale 'Fishy'

Rashid Rauf escaped during Pakistani prison transfer before extradition to U.K.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 9, 2009, 9:52 AM

Dec. 16, 2007 — -- Pakistani authorities say they have launched a massive manhunt for suspected terrorist Rashid Rauf, who they claimed broke free from his handcuffs and escaped armed policemen's custody.

In a country that has spawned many Islamic extremists, Rauf's escape raised uncomfortable questions for the Pakistan government, which has been hard pressed to explain how the al Qaeda suspect escaped police custody.

Rauf was being transferred from a detention center when somehow he broke free of his handcuffs and escaped the custody of armed policemen, according to Pakistan.

It's a story even his own lawyer describes as highly dubious.

"This story of the police is so fishy," said Rauf's lawyer, Hashmat Ali Habib. "They are saying that he unlocked the handcuffs and then he disappeared."

Three policemen who escorted him are now being interrogated.

Rauf, a British-Pakistani man, was suspected of involvement in a plot to blow up U.S.-bound airliners over the Atlantic Ocean. The United Kingdom is seeking his extradition.

Rauf had just completed a court hearing when he made his escape.

Habib said Rauf was going along with the court proceedings to be extradited to Britain.

"It was not in the favor of Rashid," he said. "He was acquitted of the main allegation of terrorism."

Earlier this year, Pakistan's anti-terrorism court released Rauf, citing lack of evidence, but British authorities were seeking him on a separate murder charge.

British officials say they are urgently seeking an explanation of how this could have happened.