Does a Confession Count If It's Done Online?

Some churches embracing online confessions, others call it exhibitionism.

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 20, 2008, 10:37 AM

March 20, 2008 — -- Today fewer people are going to church to confess their sins, and instead taking to the Internet to atone and repent.

A number of Protestant and evangelical churches are embracing the Web as a way to revive the ancient ritual of confession, but the trend is not without its critics.

The Rev. John Siebling, of The Life Church in Memphis, Tenn., runs a Web site called, where people pour out their stories of cheating on boyfriends, hiding debt from spouses and drug abuse.

"It's really a tool that will hopefully bring a first step as people begin to interact with God, and bring out the secrets of their heart to him," Siebling said.

Some Christians believe online confessions are more about exhibitionism and voyeurism than about genuine repentance and atonement.

"Confession can really become a talisman, or a rabbit's foot, or a get out of jail free card," said Rev. Mac Brunson, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Fla. "You know, 'I can go do what I want to do, come back here confess this thing online, and I'm free, I'm good. That's all I need to do.'"

The Catholic Church has specifically banned online confessions, arguing the only way to get absolved and reinstated in the community of God is to confess directly to a priest.

Some Catholic priests are looking for other creative ways to allow people to unburden themselves.

Priests in Colorado Springs, Colo., are hearing confessions in a shopping mall out of what used to be a shoe store.

"Well, we've said sometimes how in this space people had been selling soles and now we work to save souls," said the Rev. Curtis Carlson.

Shoppers who visited the Catholic Center in the mall seemed to appreciate the convenience.

As confessor Elaine Gardner said: "I can mess up outside, come in here, make a confession and know that I'm forgiven and have that free soul spirit that I have. When I walk out of that room my heart soars."