Fast Food Forced to Reveal Calorie Counts

NYC joins cities that force chain restaurants to display nutritional breakdown.

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 18, 2008, 11:53 AM

April 18, 2008— -- Starting Tuesday, New York City residents won't have to wonder anymore just how many calories are in that burger in their favorite fast-food restaurant. That's when a new law goes into effect, requiring all restaurants with 15 or more eateries to publish their food's calorie counts.

More than 20 states, cities and counties have already introduced measures requiring restaurants to list nutritional information on menus and menu boards.

ABC News correspondent Bianna Golodryga hit the streets to find out how New Yorkers felt about the move.

"It's a good thing to know, you should know what you are taking into your system, both fat-wise and calories-wise, but I'd actually prefer that they didn't because it makes me feel guilty," said one woman, who asked not to be named.

Guilt aside, nutritionists think it's about time.

"There is an obesity epidemic in this country, and the number-one thing people can do to help reduce the incidents of obesity is to take care of themselves, so it's really important people know what they are putting in their mouths," said Lisa Dryer, a contributing editor for Women's Health magazine.

Listing calories is a tactic that helped boost Subway's bottom line, by shrinking the waistline of its most famous customer, Jared.

Golodryga spoke to a diner at a Chipotle restaurant who was surprised that a vegetarian burrito could hike up to 880 calories. At a McDonald's, one woman said, "No, no way," when she heard a single cheeseburger could have 300 calories.

Ultimately, for most people, when a craving hits, a nutritional panel won't mean much.

"If someone is going into a McDonald's or Burger King and they want that burger, they're going to order it, so the calorie information is not necessarily going to deter them," Dryer said.

Click here to check out a popular calorie counter of fast food Web sites on

Click here to get the nutritional info on your favorite Starbucks treats on official Web site