Get the Slow-Cooker Challenge Winning Recipe

Merrie Youngblood's Chicken Dressing beat the other recipes in our challenge.

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 10, 2009, 6:41 AM

March 13, 2009 — -- Viewers sent in their best slow-cooker recipes and, after thousands of votes, Merrie Youngblood's Chicken Dressing came out on top in Emeril's Slow-Cooker Challenge.

The Rossville, Ga. resident's recipe bested Arlington, Mass. resident Patricia Freeman's Ribs Served With Mashed Potatoes and Portland, Ore. resident Penny Lippold's Slow-Cooker Chilupe.

Both of those meals landed in the top three.

Click here to get the winning recipe and check out the recipes from the challenge's finalists below.