Reports: Department of Children and Families Called to Tiger Woods' Home

Department will not confirm if it was Woods' home.

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 13, 2009, 5:35 PM

Dec. 14, 2009— -- The Florida Department of Children and Families was called to Tiger Woods' home on Friday afternoon according to TMZ and Radaronline.

The visit was for a "well-being check," following a complaint and not part of an investigation, TMZ reported.

The Department of Children and Families (DCF) would not confirm the report nor release any details about the call.

"Florida law requires that all concerns reported to the Florida Department of Children and Families regarding the safety of a child or a vulnerable adult are confidential," Carrie Hoeppner, a spokesperson for DCF said via a statement.

DCF is looking into a report of possible domestic violence between Woods and his wife Elin that allegedly took place in front of their two children and involved a golf club, according to Radaronline.

A spokesperson for the Orange County Sheriff's department said they received a call from DCF on Friday afternoon at 2:41 p.m. to help open the gate to the Isleworth community.

The officers were on the scene at 3:19 p.m., according to Jim Solomons, a spokesperson for the sheriff's department.

"We were called to assist. We assisted them getting past the guard shack and they were on their way," Solomons said.

The sheriff's department would not release the address DCF visited. The officers did not initiate a criminal report, Solomons said.

While golfing legend Woods takes a break from the links to focus on his family in the wake of reports of alleged extramarital affairs, some of his sponsors are starting to distance themselves from him.

The consulting firm Accenture, whose ads featuring the athlete are frequently found on airport billboards and on television, became the first sponsor to completely sever its ties with Woods, ending its multimillion-dollar campaign with the star. The slogan of the campaign was, "Go On. Be a Tiger."

Wood's was "no longer the right representative," Accenture announced in a statement on its Web site on Sunday.

Woods' alleged behavior --

so at odds with his squeaky-clean image -- has got everyone talking, especially the sponsors who make up about 90 percent of his reported $100 million-plus annual income.

"People who have paid, among them more than $100 million, right now are going, 'Oh, for crying out loud,'" Bob Garfield, editor of Advertising Age, a magazine that covers the marketing and media industries, said of Woods' travails.

The top golfer's sterling reputation began to be questioned after he crashed his Cadillac Escalade outside his home in Florida on Nov. 27 at 2:25 a.m. According to the official story, an unconscious Woods was rescued by his wife, Elin Nordegren, who heard the crash and used a golf club to smash the vehicle's rear window and pull him to safety.

But there were unconfirmed media reports that Woods left the house after arguing with Nordegren, and soon afterwards, reports of extramarital affairs began to pile up.