Mom's Devastating Discovery: Husband Had Two Other Wives

A Michigan mom learned her husband of more than a decade had two other wives.

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 10, 2010, 7:52 AM

May 10, 2010— -- A Michigan mom was married for more than a decade to a man who called her his soul mate and his companion for life when she discovered that he was keeping a devastating secret. Faye Miller's husband was also married to two other women.

Like many spouses, Miller struggled to keep her marriage to Kenneth Mitchell afloat after 21 years together. During the course of their relationship, she says she made sacrifices, including giving up her career as a PhD-educated teacher of the deaf to support his career as a successful podiatrist and care for their two young boys.

When they first met, Miller said "it definitely was an attraction at first sight. Absolutely. There's an aura about him. He's very charismatic."

She never complained when her husband always seemed to be tending to patients and networking at conventions.

"My friends would joke with me and say that I'm a single mom with benefits," Miller said. "Because I was. I was the mom and the dad to my kids, because my husband was not around. But I gave him that freedom, because I felt that he was doing what he needed to do for the family to support us."

Miller had moved far away from her family to be with her husband in Michigan, and last August, after her mother died of cancer, she sought solace in a grief counselor. At her counselor's advice, she began to closely examine her own marriage.

"I started taking more charge, trying to figure out why the marriage wasn't what I had hoped it would be," she said. "And I started doing a Google search."

What popped up was like a punch in the gut. Mitchell was married to another woman for the first three years of his marriage to Miller, making their union invalid.

"That brought me to my knees," Miller said. "What I thought was, 'Oh my God, my children are illegitimate.'"

Miller says she went online because she had questions about her husband's previous marriage.

"I would say in passing, 'Well, I've never seen the papers or whatever,' hoping that I could at least see the paper," she recalled. "He said, 'No, they're in California.' You know, made excuses about why he couldn't show me the divorce papers. And I accepted them. "