A Diabetic at the Thanksgiving Table

Making diabetes-friendly changes to holiday meal plans is easier than you think.

ByABC News
November 16, 2007, 11:59 PM

Nov. 19, 2007— -- Many people feel stuffed and uncomfortable after gorging themselves on turkey, stuffing, and desserts on Thanksgiving.

But for diabetics, the situation can be downright dangerous, as eating high-sugar foods can send blood sugar into a chaotic rollercoaster.

The problem lies in simple carbohydrates and sugars -- common ingredients in holiday meals -- that boost blood sugar immediately and can throw glucose levels out of whack.

However, other options such as whole grains can provide carbohydrates that impact the blood sugar more slowly. With a little foresight, meals can be tweaked to integrate diabetic-friendly options, say diet experts.

"People with diabetes need to give thought to what they will eat so that they can keep their blood sugars in a normal range," says Connie Diekman, current president of the American Dietetic Association, noting that most non-diabetics are not accustomed to this level of precise planning.

"People with diabetes can enjoy most of the foods so typical to the holiday season if they know how to balance the right portion of food into their meal plans. Such planning might be difficult for a new diabetic, but with a little experience it really isn't that tricky."

For example, Diekman says, eating basic foods such as turkey, potatoes, vegetables, and salad is easier when options don't appear to be loaded with hidden ingredients. Serving plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables is a healthy option for all guests.

Other diet experts agree that healthy options can be incorporated into holiday meals for all.

"It is important to keep health in mind when planning the menu for the good of all party guests, not just those with diabetes," says Dr. George Blackburn, a professor of nutrition medicine at Harvard Medical School.

"Look for recipes that incorporate ingredient substitutions that lower the calorie, fat and sugar content of the food.. Be sure to offer a variety of choices that cover all groups of the government's MyPyramid food plan. There is no need to make your holidays completely devoid of some high calorie choices; however, it is important to set portion-size limits on those foods to prevent holiday weight gain."