The Hangover Cure That Isn't Healthy
This common remedy is doing more damage than you think.
Dec. 6, 2013— -- You're going to want to think twice before taking Tylenol to help alleviate a nasty hangover.
Combining acetaminophen and alcohol increases your risk of kidney disease, according to a preliminary study presented at the 141st American Public Health Association Conference on November 4. We're not just talking a slight uptick here, either: Using acetaminophen and alcohol together was associated with more than double the odds of getting kidney disease.
Researchers analyzed data from the 2003-2004 U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and found that almost half the people who reported using therapeutic amounts of acetaminophen (1,200 mg per day—about what's in two and a half Extra Strength Tylenol tablets) and light/moderate use of alcohol (1 drink a day for females) also reported having kidney problems.
Although the study didn't look at hangovers specifically, lead researcher Harrison Ndetan, M.P.H., Ph.D., associate professor of research and biostatistics at Parker University, cautions against taking acetaminophen after a drinking bender since alcohol may still be in your system during a hangover.
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