The Best and The Worst of the British Press

ByABC News
May 11, 2001, 12:11 PM

May 11 -- A happy couple of Exmoor farmers managed to save their herd of 1,000 cattle from slaughter, reports today's Telegraph. Farmer Guy Thomas-Everand barricaded his farm from Ministry of Agriculture slaughterhouse workers during a well-publicized five-day standoff. Now Guy can turn his attention to a happier occasion: his marriage next week.

A Sinister Side

British farmers have suffered great losses over the past months, both financially and emotionally, due to the cull of herds suspected of carrying foot and mouth disease. Most stories tell of the farmer's effort to prevent the slaughter of their animals, but this morning's Times, tells of another side to this story.

A senior army officer in charge of the largest mass cull of livestock in the county of Cumbria, strongly suspects that a number of farmers deliberately infected their herds at the height of the outbreak.

Brigadier Alex Birtwistle was caught on BBC television cameras a month ago saying to one his officers that, "people are still transiting sheep illegally and there's strong anecdotal evidence to suggest that is the case either to to infect them so they can claim compensation, or simply to keep sheep they haven't previously declared one step ahead of the cull process."

According to the Times, Cumbrian trading standards officers confirmed last night that more than 500 cases of illegal animal movements had been investigated in Cumbria.

Sir Bubba?

Rumors are circulating that Prime Minister Tony Blair is considering bestowing an honorary knighthood on former President Clinton. According to the Telegraph, Blair is concerned that the move could harm relations with President Bush.

Honorary knighthoods have become somewhat of a modern tradition, counting among the lucky ones, former Presidents Reagan and Bush.

70 minus 32 is 38

The Murdoch Empire could have an additional heir to add to its media throne. The Independent announced today news that Murdoch's third and present wife, Wendi Deng, is expecting Murdoch's fifth child. The news comes just two months after Murdoch celebrated his 70th birthday; Wendi is 32.