James Foley's Last Images of the Syrian War

What slain journalist saw in the Middle East.

ByABC News
August 21, 2014, 4:31 PM

— -- Slain U.S. journalist James Foley’s intrepid reporting in Syria gave civilians across the world a glimpse into the country's brutal civil war, one video report at a time.

Even after his death at the hands of ISIS, those clips live on.

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Some of his final footage was taken in the August of 2012 in Aleppo, the country's largest city and the site of many attacks between the Syrian army and rebel forces. Foley, who was captured in November, ventured into dangerous territory to capture the clashes from the frontlines.

An image grab taken from AFP TV on August 5, 2012 shows Syrian rebels carrying a wounded man in the Salaheddin district of the northern Syrian city of Aleppo on Aug. 3, 2012.

His camera rolled as Syrian rebels carried a wounded fighter to safety in Aleppo, and later as other fighters armed with machine guns patrolled the streets, eager to put an end to Muammar Gaddafi's reign. Another clip films an attack by the Syrian army on the city of Saraqeb.

An image grab taken from AFP TV shows Syrian rebels taking position during clashes with Syrian regime forces in the Amariyeh district of the northern city of Aleppo in this Aug. 31, 2012 file photo.

Foley's reporting showed us what life was like for Syria’s civilians, too. In one clip, he spoke to wounded children – including a 13-year-old boy who was struck by a bomb dropped from a helicopter as he waited in a bread line, and a man whose injured 8-year-old daughter was turned away from the hospital, because there was no room.

An image grab taken from AFP TV shows Syrian rebel sniper Abu Khaled exchanging rings with his bride Hanan during their wedding ceremony in Aleppo, Aug. 31, 2012.

He videotaped a young couple's wedding ceremony in Aleppo, capturing the heartfelt moment a Syrian rebel sniper exchanged rings with his bride, a young nurse who treated his leg wound.

After Gaddafi was killed in October, Foley recorded reactions from rebel fighters in Sirte, where the dictator died.

An image grab taken from AFP TV shows Syrian rebel sniper Abu Khaled (C) holding his gun as comrades celebrate during his wedding ceremony in Aleppo on August 31, 2012.

The terrorist group ISIS beheaded Foley in a disturbing video posted online Tuesday. Foley, originally from New Hampshire, was a journalist for publications including GlobalPost and Agence France-Presse.