Barbeque versus Barbecue: Food Words You Always Spell Wrong

Check out this list of the foods that you’ll never misspell again.

ByABC News
May 7, 2014, 11:54 PM

May 8, 2014— -- There is very little that is more embarrassing than shooting off an email to your colleagues with a word misspelled. We are all totally guilty of it, often typing faster than we can think. And if you’re shooting around an office lunch order blast or simply trying to find a recipe, it helps to spell the ingredient or dish you are looking for correctly. To help you avoid making these spelling errors, here is a list of the foods that you’ll never misspell again!

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Your fruits and vegetables do not have feet. Spell it as “potato” and “tomato,” but add the “e” (don’t forget the “s” either) to these words when they become plural.


This is actually sort of unfair given that the acronym for this word is BBQ. Be sure to send out invitations for your “barbecue,” not your barbeque!


Phonetically this makes complete sense but just like the ruler, the correct way to spell this word is Caesar.


You sure don’t want to order a vast land of sand. You can remember that is spelled with two S’s because “dessert” is twice as nice!


This lunchtime staple is always spelled “sandwich!”


Make sure to drop the “e” if you are turning this noun into an adjective.


Don’t forget the O in broccoli!


Though it really is an origin thing when it comes to spelling this ingredient, in general a chili is a hot pepper and Chile is a coastal country in western South America.


Just because it is relaxing to eat doesn’t mean that is how you spell it. Make sure you’re asking for “marshmallows” in your hot chocolate.


Sure if you’re looking for a kitschy name of a product you could spell it that way, but when you’re talking about the ingredient itself, it is a “raspberry.”


It’s “shish kebab,” you aren’t skewering your neighbor Bob!


While the popular way to spell this egg dish outside of the U.S. is “omelette,” “omelet” is the preferred way in the English language. 

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