New Beauty Tool Sterilizes Makeup Brushes, Cuts Drying Time in Half

You wash your hair, body and clothes on a regular basis.

ByABC News
November 25, 2014, 1:42 PM
The Brush Medic Pro safely dries and UV sterilizes 6 large or up to 24 small brushes.
The Brush Medic Pro safely dries and UV sterilizes 6 large or up to 24 small brushes.
Brush Medic

— -- You wash your hair, body and clothes on a regular basis. But how often do you wash your makeup brushes?

Now, one product is vying to make the pesky task of cleaning your brushes an easier one.

It’s called Brush Medic, and it’s said to eliminate 99 percent of dirt and bacteria through a UV sterilizing system.

"It was really my wife’s idea who’s a makeup artist at a large cosmetic store," says Billy Turner co-founder of Brush Medic. "One night she was saying how it took way too long for the brushes to clean and dry, so we created something that would kill bacteria and take less drying time.”

How it works is you start by cleaning your brushes with soap and water. Or, try the Brush Medic Quick Clean Wipes. "They are alcohol free, so they won't damage your brushes," Turner says. Finish by placing in the Brush Medic machine for a deep cleaning.

In addition to a bacteria free cleaning, the system promises a drying time that’s up to ten times faster.

The Brush Medic Mini dries and UV sterilizes 4 medium or up to 10 small brushes.

In the future, the company hopes to expand its reach to professional makeup artists.

“We are developing a larger product that we think would be great for commercial brands," Turner says. "We'd like to spread the word throughout the makeup industry.”

One expert agrees that Brush Medic can be a useful tool for beauty buffs everywhere.

“Your makeup brushes should be cleaned every single day," says green beauty expert Sophie Uilano. "If you don’t clean your brushes, you’ll absolutely break out.”

“The problem with brush cleaners is that they are highly toxic, so this is a fantastic solution," Uilano says. "Brush drying time is also an issue, so it’s great that it cuts that too."

The Brush Medic Pro will be available exclusively at Customers can preorder the system for a price of $199. A mini version is sold for $99.