Hilarious Responses of a Dad Posing as an 11-Month-Old

Emma's goals are to "open every drawer, everywhere" and "world peace."

ByABC News
January 10, 2014, 2:15 PM
Dad's hilarious responses on day-care questionnaire as is he is his 11-month old daughter.
Dad's hilarious responses on day-care questionnaire as is he is his 11-month old daughter.
Courtesy Ben Davidson

Jan. 10, 2014— -- Emma is a busy, but typical 11-month-old girl. She likes pulling her dog's hair, "exploring" her parents' noses and "dawn, every morning without fail."

And her goals are admirable. She'd someday like to "open every drawer, everywhere," "unplug every power cord," and have "world peace."

All this before she can walk. Or talk. Or write.

Emma's hilarious responses to a daycare questionnaire are the work of her dad, Ben Davidson, who lives in Australia. He wanted to give the "lovely people at the daycare centre a 'different' response that they could have a laugh at," he told ABC News.

Dad's hilarious responses on day-care questionnaire as is he is his 11-month old daughter, Emma, pictured here in this undated handout photo.

After posting the completed questionnaire to his Facebook page he's making more than the day care teachers laugh. Parents all over the Internet are getting a chuckle too.

"This form is meant for children up to 5 years old, so the 'goals' section was perfectly reasonable to me, but since Emma is 11 months and hasn't really told me anything other than 'Badabadababada,' I thought maybe that answer wouldn't cut it," he said. "Hence the response."

The daycare center, he said, was "amused which is what my intention was." And as for Emma? "Emma will continue to pursue her goals of world peace, and my own mother is mortified that my poor spelling skills have been broadcast to the world, which greatly amuses me, and we are all happy."