Mom's Tearful Selfie Reveals Struggles of Parenting, Inspires Others

Allison Brothers took the photo after a trying time shopping with her sons.

ByABC News
September 1, 2016, 12:43 PM
Allison Brothers' selfie, in which she's crying, has gone viral online, inspiring many parents in the process.
Allison Brothers' selfie, in which she's crying, has gone viral online, inspiring many parents in the process.
Courtesy Allison Brothers

— -- Parenting is hard. And a mother of two's tearful selfie is reminding people to be kind to parents.

Allison Brothers is a mom to two toddlers: 3-year-old Bentley and 1-year-old Levi. In a post on Facebook, Brothers shared the selfie and detailed why she was in tears.

"This is motherhood. No fancy filters, no good lighting, no new lipstick," she began. "These tears started as the cashier of Giant Eagle [Grocery Store] handed me my receipt and continued for the entire drive home."

Brothers, 22, went on to explain that her "blonde haired, blue eyed, angel faced toddlers were not so angelic today" during a grocery shopping trip.

"Everyone's eyes were on me as if to say 'Can't you control your own children,'" she continued. "The glares and whispers and judgments are hard. Sometimes I can control my children and sometimes I can't. Sometimes they listen and sometimes they don't. Sometimes I can handle it and sometimes I break down."

The West Virginia woman ended her viral post, which has been shared over 32,000 times, suggesting that "if you see a parent struggling...please say something nice."

Allison Brothers' two sons -- Bentley, 3, Levi, 1.
Chelseybug Photography

Brothers told ABC News she took the photo while she was in the car "hands on my steering wheel crying." She decided to post it, hoping to encourage other parents like her.

"I posted it to let parents know that they’re not alone," she added. "Parenting is an everyday struggle and battle, and we all go through the same be kind to each other."

The mother of two said she didn't expect her post to go viral, but since it has, Brothers has received many messages from other parents, saying that she's inspired them. And she's glad.

As a single mother, Brothers said, "I know it will not last forever so I try to find a little peace in the chaos."