Sheriff's Deputy Undergoes Kidney Transplant for Fellow Officer

Lakewood Sheriff’s Deputy Kevin Ay was diagnosed with kidney failure in 2013.

ByABC News
December 22, 2016, 1:16 PM

— -- Christmas came early for one sheriff's deputy after a fellow officer donated a kidney to save his life.

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputies Kevin Ay and Darrin Offringa first met in July 2010. Offringa was Ay's supervisor, training him for three months.

Since that time, the two remained friends, especially after Ay was assigned to Offringa's old beat.

Then, in November 2013, Ay was diagnosed with kidney failure. After being hospitalized for a short amount of time, he returned to his duties in the sheriff's department on "light duty capacity," according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

It didn't take long for Ay's old supervisor and friend, Offringa, to discover the grim news. In fact, Offringa checked on Ay periodically as his health deteriorated. It was during one of those check-ins that the two discovered they had the same blood type.

Offringa immediately felt like he had to help his friend and donate his kidney. After discussing it with his wife, he asked Ay if he could be his donor.

Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputy Kevin Ay, who was diagnosed with kidney failure in 2013, received a kidney from his friend and fellow deputy, Darrin Offringa.
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department

Although Ay was initially hesitant, he agreed. And after being medically evaluated, Offringa's left kidney was considered a great match for Ay.

Offringa underwent a four-hour surgery to remove his left kidney on Nov. 29.

The two now say the ordeal has strengthened their relationship.

"I always considered Darrin as a mentor; now he’s my brother," Ay said, according to the sheriff's department.

Offringa added, "I’m just honored and humbled by the experience and to have helped a good friend."