Teen celebrates mom beating cancer in four months

Cameron Stokes shared photos of her mom, Wendy Freden, that went viral.

ByABC News
June 24, 2017, 2:21 PM
Wendy Freden's daughter Cameron Stokes shared on Twitter now viral photos of the day her mom found out she had no evidence of cancer.
Wendy Freden's daughter Cameron Stokes shared on Twitter now viral photos of the day her mom found out she had no evidence of cancer.
Courtesy Wendy Freden

— -- A Texas teen celebrated her mother beating cancer last week by sharing triumphant photos from the day doctors told her she no longer had evidence of cancer in her body.

Cameron Stokes shared photos on Twitter of her mom walking out of Texas Oncology-Tyler in Tyler, Texas, while wearing boxing gloves -- and a huge smile on her face.

The photos quickly went viral, with more than 40,000 shares and over 200,000 likes.

Wendy Freden said she was recovering from hip surgery over Christmas when she discovered a lump in her breast.

"I was immobile, and just so happened to do a breast exam," Freden, 45, told ABC News, adding that she found a lump, but didn't possibly think it would be cancer -- especially since she had just had a mammogram nine months prior.

Wendy Freden's daughter Cameron Stokes shared on Twitter now viral photos of the day her mom found out she had no evidence of cancer.
Courtesy Wendy Freden

Still, on February 1 doctors diagnosed her with stage 1A multifocal invasive breast cancer.

Freden remembered thinking to herself, "Seriously? I just got back to work after being off for my hip surgery."

Part of Freden's job as a physician assistant is to educate women about the importance of doing self breast exams.

"Now, this just brings it to a whole new level," she explained. "I understand the fear. I’m upset. I’m scared. I’m anxious. But I have to view it as a journey for a higher purpose."

Wendy Freden's daughter Cameron Stokes shared on Twitter now viral photos of the day her mom found out she had no evidence of cancer.
Courtesy Wendy Freden

Three weeks later, Freden underwent bilateral surgery to remove the cancer, and also had three months of chemotherapy. On June 15, she was told by doctors she no longer had evidence of cancer in her body.

Traditionally, patients at Texas Oncology-Tyler ring a golden bell when they leave the hospital. But Freden had other plans, and put on boxing gloves, which were gifted to her.

"I never had any intentions of ringing that bell. I was going to punch it off the wall," Freden said.