Woman's Love of Lattes Inspired Coffee-Themed Coffin
What would you choose for a custom coffin?

Feb. 18, 2014— -- A British woman loved lattes so much in life, family members created an unconventional coffee-themed casket to pay tribute after her death.
Karen Lloyd, 51, passed away after an eight-month battle with cancer earlier this month in Swindon, England. But instead of a dour memorial, more than 450 friends and family attended a lively funeral, with a burgundy casket emblazoned with the words "one shot, extra hot skinny latte," as its centerpiece.
"Both the funeral and wake were based around her love of Costa Coffee, shopping and sleeping," a close friend, Lynzi Barrett, told Yahoo! News.
Themed coffins that break from basic black or wood have become increasingly more popular in recent years. Lloyd's perky sendoff took place just a couple of weeks after biker Billy Standley, 82, of Mechanicsburg, Ohio, was embalmed riding his 1967 Harley Davidson.
READ: Biker Buried Astride Beloved Harley in Plexiglass Casket
Standley himself had approached his funeral home 18 years prior with the nonconformist idea. Here are four more unusual themed caskets.
1 - In 2008, Bill Bramanti of Chicago, Ill., commissioned a Pabst Blue Ribbon-themed casket to ensure he leaves this world with a smile on his face. Until then, he occasionally fills the coffin with, what else, beer.

2 - In England, this ballet-slipper themed coffin was commissioned by nurse and music teacher Pat Cox, ensuring a perfect last dance.

3 - One can easily imagine a "Detroit Rock City" fan taking their love of the band KISS to the grave with them. Black-and-white face makeup optional.

4 - In Ghana, artist Paa Joe has built a business creating custom caskets, with themes ranging from under water creatures to pineapples to planes and more.