3-Year-Old Surprised by Garbage Truck at Sanitation-Themed Birthday Party

A toddler's garbage truck-themed birthday ended in a sweet surprise.

ByABC News
January 31, 2017, 2:42 PM

— -- A toddler's garbage truck-themed birthday over the weekend had a sweet surprise after an off-duty sanitation worker crashed the party.

"He was super excited when he was turning the and he just squealed," mom Christine Taylor of San Antonio, Texas, told ABC News today. "He was just ecstatic. It meant the world to me and I know it definitely meant so much to Luke."

Luke Taylor, 3, has been a fan of the garbage men at Vaquero Waste and Recycling in San Antonio since he was able to talk, his mother said. On Tuesdays, Luke and his dad, Josh, greet the men.

"He's obsessed with all things that have wheels," Christine Taylor said. "[L]ately, he's been really into garbage trucks. For him to see a big truck going through our neighborhood regularly is a highlight for him."

Luke Taylor, 3, seen in this photo wearing his homemade Halloween costume, which was a Vaquero garbage truck.
Christine Taylor

Last Halloween, Luke wore a Vaquero truck costume handmade by his dad. The family then developed a relationship with the company after sending photos of Luke in his costume.

Just before Luke's birthday party on Saturday, Taylor reached out again to Vaquero's controller, Barbara Pulcini, and asked if their regular driver Mo Silva could make an appearance.

"I shared the idea with our president and CEO and he wasn't closed-off about it," Pulcini told ABC News. "It was great because we have a fond attachment to him [Luke] from the Halloween story."

Since driver Mo Silva was celebrating his own son's birthday, Pulcini said collector John Flores attended in his place.

Flores was accompanied by Vaquero salesperson Barbara Tomlin. Both rolled up to Luke's house around noon on Saturday and gave him toy garbage trucks to go with his party theme.

"I was just very, very grateful," Taylor said. "I was really touched because know they don't work on Saturdays. It meant a lot that someone would take time away from their own families or schedule and do this for our son."

Photos of Luke sitting in the garbage truck are now posted next to his Halloween picture in Vaquero's San Antonio office, Barbara Pulcini said.