2012 Republican Presidential Candidates

ABC News' look at the GOP presidential hopefuls.

ByABC News
August 15, 2011, 4:27 AM

— -- intro: The 2012 presidential campaign is in full swing, with a varied and ambitious group of Republicans jockeying for their party's nomination and a chance to go head-to-head with President Obama.

Here's a look at Republicans who, over the past year, ABC News identified as likely and not-so-likely contenders, those who ran and failed, those who are still in the fight, and where they stand:

ABC News' Amy Bingham, Maya Srikrishnan, Jared Pliner, Jennifer Schlesinger and Josh Goldstein contributed to this guide.

quicklist: 1category: Front-Runnertitle: Mitt Romney, Former Governor of Massachusettsurl: text: "From my first day in office, my No. 1 job will be to see that America once again is No. 1 in job creation." Romney announces presidential campaign, June 3, 2011.

Read Mitt Romney's Story
Age: 64
Birthplace: Detroit
Family: Ann Romney (wife); Children: Tagg, Matt, Josh, Ben, and Craig
Religion: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon)
Current job: Keynote speeches, GOP fundraising
Previous experience: Presidential candidate, 2008
Most Recent Book Written: "No Apology: The Case for American Greatness" (2010)
Third Quarter Fundraising (July 1 - September 30):$14.2 million
Fourth Quarter Fundraising (October 1 - December 31):$24.2 million
January Fundraising (January 1 - January 31):$6.54 million
Total Fundraising (From January 2011 Report):$62.9 million
Total Spent In January: $18.8 million
Cash on Hand (From January 2012 Report):$7.7 million
Debts: $0
Super PAC: Restore Our Future
Total Super PAC Receipts (from January 2012 report): $36.7 million
Super PAC Cash on Hand (from January 2012 report): $16.3 million

PROS: Strong name identification. Experienced campaign team with proven fundraising ability. Success as a businessman.

CONS: The Massachusetts health care law that was enacted during his tenure as governor, especially the controversial measure of individual mandates. His religion (Mormon) is still seen by many as an impediment to greater appeal among socially-conservative evangelical Christian primary voters.

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quicklist: 2category: Chief Challengerstitle: Rick Santorum, Former Senator from Pennsylvaniaurl:text: "We're ready to announce that we are going to be in this race and we're in it to win." Santorum announces his candidacy on "GMA", June 6, 2011.

Read Rick Santorum's Story
Age: 53
Birthplace: Winchester, Virginia
Family: Karen Garver Santorum (wife); Children: Elizabeth, Richard, Daniel, Sarah, Peter, Patrick, and Isabella
Religion: Roman Catholic
Current job: Attorney
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: "It Takes a Family: Conservatism and the Common Good" (2006)
Third Quarter Fundraising (July 1 - September 30):$704,119
Fourth Quarter Fundraising (October 1 - December 31):$920,000
January Fundraising (January 1 - January 31):$4.51 million
Total Fundraising (From January 2012 Report): $6.7 million
Total Spent In January: $3.32 million
Cash on Hand (From January 2012 Report): $1.47 million
Debts: $0
Super PAC: Red White and Blue Fund
Total Super PAC Receipts (from January 2012 report): $2.8 million
Super PAC Cash on Hand (from January 2012 report): $627,000

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quicklist: 3category: Chief Challengerstitle: Newt Gingrich, Former Speaker of the U.S. Houseurl: text: "I'm announcing my candidacy for President of the United States, because I believe we can return America to hope and opportunity, to full employment, to real security, to an American energy program, to a balanced budget." Gingrich announcement video, May 11, 2011.

Read Newt Gingrich's Story
Age: 68
Birthplace: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Family: Callista Gingrich (wife); Children: Two daughters with Jackie Battley (first wife)
Religion: Roman Catholic (formerly Baptist; converted in March '09)
Current job: Chairman, American Solutions for Winning the Future; college professor
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: "A Nation Like No Other: Why American Exceptionalism Matters" (2011)
Third Quarter Fundraising (July 1 - September 30):$807,962
Fourth Quarter Fundraising (October1 - December 31):$9,776,336
January Fundraising (January 1 - January 31):$5.59 million
Total Fundraising (From January 2012 Report): $18.1 million
Total Spent In January: $5.91 million
Cash on Hand (From January 2012 Report): $1.79 million
Debts: $1.73 million
Super PAC: Winning Our Future
Total Super PAC Receipts (from January 2012 report): $11 million
Super PAC Cash on Hand (from January 2012 report): $2.44 million

PROS: Name ID. Goodwill among party base. Seen as "ideas guy," big thinker and intellectual heavyweight. Skilled grassroots organizer.

CONS: Messy personal life, including multiple divorces. Fundraising: He's been able to raise for his 527 groups but those don't have the restrictive limits that presidential candidate has to live under.

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quicklist: 4category: Chief Challengerstitle: Ron Paul, Congressman from Texasurl:text: "Time has come around to the point where the people are agreeing with much of what I've been saying for 30 years." Paul announces his candidacy on "GMA", May 13, 2011.

Read Ron Paul's Story
Age: 75
Birthplace: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Family: Carol Paul (wife); Children: Ronald Paul, Jr., Lori Paul Pyeatt, Senator-elect Randal Paul, Robert Paul, and Joy Paul-LeBlanc
Religion: Baptist
Current job: U.S. Congressman
Previous experience: Ran for president in 1988 as a Libertarian and in 2008 as a Republican
Most Recent Book Written: "Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom" (2011)
Third Quarter Fundraising (July 1 - September 30):$8.3 million
Fourth Quarter Fundraising (October 1- December 31):$8.3 million
January Fundraising (January 1 - January 31):$4.48 million
Total Fundraising (From January 2012 Report): $17.18 million
Total Spent In January: $5.23 million
Cash on Hand (From January2012 Report): $1.65 million0
Debts: $0
PAC: Endorse Liberty
Total PAC Receipts (from January 2012 report):$2.38 million
PAC Cash on Hand (from January 2012 report):$60,000

PROS: Committed core of supporters who will walk over hot coals to cast a ballot for him. Ability to raise big money online from those who are attracted to his libertarian philosophy.

CONS: Positions on Iraq/Afghanistan and legalizing drugs put him at odds with a majority of the GOP base. Committed by narrow sliver of support that is tough for him to expand.

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quicklist: 5category: No Longer Runningtitle: Rick Perry, Governor of Texasurl:text: "I've always believed that the mission is greater than the man. As I have contemplated the future of this campaign, I have come to the conclusion that there is no viable path forward for me in this 2012 campaign. Therefore today I am suspending my campaign and endorsing Newt Gingrich for president of the United States." Perry suspends presidential bid, Jan. 19, 2012.

Read Rick Perry's Story
Age: 61
Birthplace: Paint Creek, Texas
Family: Anita Thigpen Perry (wife); Children: Griffin and Sydney
Religion: Methodist
Current job: Governor; chairman, Republican Governors Association
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: "Fed Up!: Our Fight to Save America From Washington" (2010)
Third Quarter Fundraising (July 1 - September 30):$17,200,000
Fourth Quarter Fundraising (October 1 - December 31):$2,900,000
Total Fundraising (From December 2011 Report):$19,700,000
Spent (From December 2011 Report): $14,200,000
Cash on Hand (From December 2011 Report): $3,700,000
Debts: $93,745
SuperPAC: Make Us Great Again

Total Super PAC Receipts (from December 2011 report): $5,500,000
Super PAC Cash on Hand (from December 2011 report): $0

PROS: Compelling economic story to tell about Texas and job growth. Tea Party appeal and credentials. Strong donor base. Executive experience as longest continuously serving U.S. governor. Proven campaigner who has repeatedly defied the political odds.

CONS: "My way of the highway" style may turn off independent voters, who are desperate for Washington to stop fighting and start compromising. Jobs record isn't without some blemishes, including tax credits and subsidies for employers who ultimately created few jobs. Has spent more than 25 years giving his opponents a treasure trove of material to mine for controversy.

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quicklist: 6category: No Longer Runningtitle: Jon Huntsman, Former U.S. Ambassador to Chinaurl:text: "I believe is its now time for our party to unite around the candidate best equipped to defeat Barack Obama." Huntsman suspends campaign, endorses Mitt Romney in South Carolina on Jan. 16, 2011, after third-place showing in New Hampshire.

Read Jon Huntsman's Story
Age: 51
Birthplace: Palo Alto, Calif.
Family: Mary Kaye Cooper (wife); Children: Mary Anne, Abigail, Elizabeth, Jon, William, Gracie Mei, and Asha Bharati
Religion: Mormon
Current job: Former U.S. Ambassador to China
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: N/A
Fourth Quarter Fundraising (October 1 - December 31):$2,900,000
Total Fundraising (From December 2011 Report):$1,400,000
Spent (From December 2011 Report): $1,600,000
Cash on Hand (From December 2011 Report): $110,000
Debts: $3,770,000
PAC: Our Destiny
Total Super PAC Receipts (from December 2011 report): $2,6800,000
Super PAC Cash on Hand (from December 2011 report): $126,586

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quicklist: 7category: No Longer Runningtitle: Michele Bachmann, Congresswoman from Minnesotaurl:text: "The people of Iowa spoke with a clear voice, so I have decided to stand aside." Bachmann suspends presidential bid after 6th place finish in Iowa Caucuses, January, 4th, 2011.

Read Michele Bachmann's Story
Age: 55
Birthplace: Waterloo, Iowa
Family: Marcus (husband); Children: Lucas, Harrison, Elisa, Caroline, Sophia
Religion: Lutheran
Current job: Congresswoman
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: N/A
Third Quarter Fundraising (July 1 - September 30): $3,900,000
Fourth Quarter Fundraising (October 1 - December 31): $1,700,000
Total Fundraising (From December 2011 Report):$7,252,052
Spent (From December 2011 Report): $2,692,611
Cash on Hand (From December 2011 Report): $358,724
Debts: $1,055,924
Super PAC: Citizens for a Working America
Total Super PAC Receipts (from Dec. 2011 report): $0
Super PAC Cash on Hand (from Dec. report): $194

PROS: Strong support from Tea Party activists. Minnesota base gives her great access and credibility in Iowa. Proven ability to raise money.

CONS: A polarizing figure. Can she broaden her appeal beyond a narrow slice of the Republican electorate?

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quicklist: 8category: Now a Libertariantitle: Gary Johnson, Former Governor of New Mexicourl: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2011/04/gary-johnson-from-obscurity-to-prominence-in-new-hampshire/text: "You can't deny that I am the underdog." Johnson on ABC's "Top Line" April 22, 2011, the week that he declared his candidacy.

Age: 53
Birthplace: Minot, North Dakota
Family: Kate Prusack (fiancé); Children: a son, Erik, and daughter, Seah, with Dee Simms (first wife)
Religion: Lutheran
Current job: Former Co-Founder/Owner of Big J Enterprises
Previous experience: Ran in the 2000 presidential election
Most Recent Book Written: N/A
Total Fundraising (October 1- December 31): $161,000
Spent (October 1- December 31): $154,000
Cash on Hand (Decmeber 2011 Report):$18,000
Debts: $203,000
PAC: None
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quicklist: 9category: No Longer Runningtitle: Herman Cain, Former CEO of Godfather's Pizzaurl:text: "In case you accidentally listen to a skeptic or doubting Thomas out there, just to be clear...I'm running for president of the United States, and I'm not running for second." Cain announces presidential bid, May 21, 2011.

Read Herman Cain's Story
Age: 65
Birthplace: Memphis, Tennessee
Family: Gloria Cain (wife); Children: Melanie and Vincent.
Religion: Baptist
Current job: Newspaper columnist
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: "They Think You're Stupid: Why Democrats Lost Your Vote and What Republicans Must Do to Keep It" (2011)
Fourth Quarter Fundraising (October 1- December 31):$11,440,000
Total Fundraising (December 2011 Report): $15,900,000
Spent (From December 2011 Report): $11,800,000
Cash on Hand (From December 2011 Report): $986,000
Debts: $580,000
Super PAC: None

PROS: Motivating speaker. Inspiring life story. Businessman and political outsider.

CONS: Weak on policy questions and positions. Unable to translate his outsider status to grassroots support. Allegations of sexual harassment.

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quicklist: 10category: Not Runningtitle: Sarah Palin, Former Governor of Alaskaurl: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2011/10/sarah-palins-decision-not-to-run-shocks-supporters/text: "I believe that at this time I can be more effective in a decisive role to help elect other true public servants to office — from the nation's governors to Congressional seats and the Presidency." Palin's Letter to Supporters, Oct. 5, 2011.

Age: 47
Birthplace: Sandpoint, Idaho
Family: Todd Palin (husband); Children: Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper, and Trig
Religion: Non-denominational Christian
Current job: Reality TV show host; Fox News contributor
Previous experience: Vice presidential candidate, 2008
Most Recent Book Written: "America By Heart" (2010)
PAC: SarahPac
Total PAC Receipts (from Aug. 2011 report): $1,665,033
PAC Cash on Hand (from Dec. report): $1,402,368

PROS: Name ID. Access to grassroots fundraising. Strong following among social conservatives and Tea Party types. Ability to dominate "free" media means she doesn't have to spend as much money on paid advertising.

CONS: Lack of organizational campaign structure or strategy. Even among those who view her favorably, there's an electability concern. Mixed record in Alaska, especially the fact that she quit midway through her term as governor.

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quicklist: 11category: Wild Cardstitle: Charles Elson "Buddy" Roemer III, Former Governor of Louisianaurl:text: "I run to prepare America to grow jobs again, beginning with the elimination of our tolerance for unfair foreign trade practices and the use of our own tax code to ship jobs overseas." Roemer announces presidential bid, Jul. 21, 2011.

Age: 67
Birthplace: Shreveport, Louisiana
Family: Lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana with his wife Scarlett and is the father of three children
Religion: Methodist
Current job: Bank President and CEO
Previous experience: Served four terms in Congress from 1981 – 1988 and was Louisiana Governor from 1988-1992
Most Recent Book Written: "The Roemer Revolution" (1987)
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quicklist: 12category: Not Runningtitle: John Bolton, Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nationsurl:text: ""It was a very difficult decision, and my view has not changed one iota that we need a much more robust discussion of national security issues as part of this presidential campaign." Bolton to Fox News' Greta van SusterenWABC radio talk show host Aaron Klein, November 2010.

Age: 62
Birthplace: Baltimore, Maryland
Family: Gretchen Bolton (wife); daughter, Jennifer
Religion: Lutheran
Current job: Senior Fellow at American Enterprise Institute
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: "How Barack Obama is Endangering our National Sovereignty" (2010)
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quicklist: 13category: Not Runningtitle: Mitch Daniels, Governor of Indianaurl:text: "I was able to resolve every competing consideration but one, but that, the interests and wishes of my family, is the most important consideration of all." Daniels email to supporters, May 22, 2011.

Age: 62
Birthplace: Monongahela, Pennsylvania
Family: Cheri Lynn Herman Daniels (wife); Children: Meagan, Melissa, Meredith, and Maggie
Religion: Presbyterian
Current job: Governor
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: N/A

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quicklist: 14category: No Longer Runningtitle: Tim Pawlenty, Former Governor of Minnesotaurl: http://abcnews.go.com/ThisWeek/video/interview-tim-pawlenty-14301350text: "So I'm announcing this morning on your show that I'm going to be ending my campaign for president, but I'm very, very grateful for the people of Iowa, the people of this country, who I had a chance to make my case to, and for my supporters and staff and friends who've been so loyal and helpful. I really appreciate all of them." Pawlenty on ABC's This Week, August 14, 2011.

Age: 50
Birthplace: St. Paul, Minnesota
Family: Mary Anderson (wife); Children: Anna and Mara
Religion: Baptist/Evangelical
Current job: Seeking job in private sector
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: Courage to Stand: An American Story
PAC: Freedom First

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quicklist: 15category: No Longer Runningtitle: Thaddeus McCotter, Congressman from Michiganurl:text: "The overarching goal has to be a new president in 2012. It's not going to be me." McCotter announces he is ending his candidacy in an interview on Sept. 22, 2011.

Age: 45
Birthplace: Detroit, Michigan
Family: Rita (wife); Children: George, Timothy, and Emilia
Religion: Catholic
Current job: U.S. Congressman
Previous experience: Michigan State Senator
Most Recent Book Written: Seize Freedom! American Truths and Renewal in a Chaotic Age (Culture of Enterprise) (2011)
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quicklist: 16category: Not Runningtitle: Donald Trump, Real Estate Mogul, Reality TV Show Starurl:text: "Business is my greatest passion and I am not ready to leave the private sector." Trump statement, May 16, 2011.

Age: 65
Birthplace: Queens, New York
Family: Meliana (wife; twice divorced); Children: Donald, Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany, Barron
Religion: Presbyterian
Current job: Chairman and CEO of the Trump Organization
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: "Think Like a Champion: An Informal Education In Business and Life" (2009)
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quicklist: 17category: Not Runningtitle: Mike Huckabee, Former Governor of Arkansasurl:text: "All the factors say go, but my heart says no," Huckabee on Fox News, May 15, 2011.

Age: 55
Birthplace: Hope, Arkansas
Family: Janet Huckabee (wife); Children: John, Mark, David, and Sarah
Religion: Southern Baptist
Current job: Host of "Huckabee" on Fox News Channel
Previous experience: Presidential candidate, 2008. Former Governor of Arkansas
Most Recent Book Written: "A Simple Christmas" (2009)
PAC: HuckPac
Total 2010 Receipts (from Dec. report): $979,009.40
Cash on Hand (from Dec. report): $137,660.40

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quicklist: 18category: Not Runningtitle: Haley Barbour, Governor of Mississippiurl:text: "I will not be a candidate for president next year. This has been a difficult, personal decision..." Barbour statement, April 2011.

Age: 63
Birthplace: Yazoo City, Mississippi
Family: Marsha Barbour (wife); Children: Sterling and Reeves
Religion: Presbyterian
Current job: Governor
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: "The Agenda for America" (1996)
PAC: Haley's PAC
Total 2010 Receipts (from Dec. report): $917,437.50
Cash on Hand (from Dec. report):$391,609.70

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quicklist: 19category: Not Runningtitle: John Thune, Senator from South Dakotaurl:text: "So at this time, I feel that I am best positioned to fight for America's future here in the trenches of the United States Senate." Thune written statement, February 2011.

Age: 50
Birthplace: Murdo, South Dakota
Family: Kimberly Thune (wife); Children: Brittany and Larissa
Religion: Evangelical Christian
Current job: U.S. Senator
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: N/A
PAC:Heartland Values PAC
Total 2010 Receipts (from Dec. report): $610,195.20
Cash on Hand (from Dec. report): $182,230

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quicklist: 20category: Not Runningtitle: Mike Pence, Congressman from Indianaurl:text: "We will not seek the Republican nomination for president in 2012," Pence said in a letter to supporters written on behalf of himself and his family, January 2011.
Age: 52
Birthplace: Columbus, Indiana
Family: Karen Pence (wife); Children: Michael, Charlotte, and Audrey
Religion: Evangelical Christian
Current job: U.S. Congressman
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: N/A
PAC: Win Back America PAC
Total 2010 Receipts (from Dec. report): $434,982.50
Cash on Hand (from Dec. report): $52,359.30

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quicklist: 21category: Not Runningtitle: Jim DeMint, Senator from South Carolinaurl:text: "No, no I'm not." DeMint to CNN, when asked whether he will seek the GOP nomination, January 2011.

Age: 59
Birthplace: Greenville, South Carolina
Family: Debbie (wife); four married children
Religion: Presbyterian
Current job: U.S. Senator
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: "Saving Freedom: We Can Stop America's Slide into Socialism" (2009)
PAC: Senate Conservatives Fund
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quicklist: 22category: Not Runningtitle: Chris Christie, Governor of New Jerseyurl:text: "What do I have to do short of suicide to convince people I'm not running?" Christie at AEI," February 2011.

Age: 48
Birthplace: Newark, New Jersey
Family: Mary Pat (wife); Children: Patrick, Bridget, Sarah, Andrew
Religion: Roman Catholic
Current job: Governor
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: N/A

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quicklist: 23category: Not Runningtitle: Jeb Bush, Former Governor of Floridaurl:text: "I'm not running any time that I'm aware of, 2012 for sure." Bush to The New York Times, October 2010. "You never say never about anything." Bush to CNN, November 2010.

Age: 58
Birthplace: Midland, Texas
Family: Columba Bush (wife); Children: George, Noelle and John
Religion: Roman Catholic
Current job: Attorney
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: N/A

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quicklist: 24category: Not Runningtitle: Bobby Jindal, Governor of Louisianaurl:text: "I'm not being coy at all. I'm not running for president in 2012. Period. No ifs, ands or buts, no caveats." Jindal to the Associated Press, November 2010.

Age: 40
Birthplace: Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Family: Supriya Jindal (wife); Children: Selia Elizabeth, Shaan Robert, and Slade Ryan
Religion: Roman Catholic
Current job: Governor
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: "Leadership and Crisis" (2010)
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quicklist: 25category: Not Runningtitle: George Pataki, Former Governor of New Yorkurl:text: "I'm not running for president." Pataki to Fox News host Sean Hannity, April 2011.

Age: 66
Birthplace: Peekskill, New York
Family: Elizabeth Pataki (wife); Children: Emily, Teddy, Allison, and Owen
Religion: Roman Catholic
Current job: Attorney
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: N/A
PAC: Revere America
Total 2010 Receipts (from Dec. report): $0
Cash on Hand (from Dec. report): $0

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quicklist: 26category: Not Runningtitle: Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of New York Cityurl:text: "I will rule out a run for president. I have the best job I could possibly have." Bloomberg on NBC's Meet the Press, August 2010.

Age: 69
Birthplace: Boston, Massachusetts
Family: divorced; Children: Emma and Georgina
Religion: Jewish
Current job: Mayor
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: "Bloomberg by Bloomberg" (2001)

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