Scott Walker wants Romney to choose fellow ‘cheesehead' Paul Ryan as VP

ByABC News
June 14, 2012, 11:18 AM

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Cheeseheads stick together.

A week after his victory in the Wisconsin recall election, Gov. Scott Walker is spending a day in Washington, D.C., where on Thursday he discussed who he would like to see on the party ticket next to Mitt Romney in November.

If the decision were up to him, Walker would choose fellow Wisconsinite Paul Ryan, he said.

"Obviously I'm biased with Paul," Walker said during a breakfast meeting with reporters."I grew up down the road with him. He's a cheesehead like me."

Ryan, who endorsed Romney during the primaries and has appeared publicly with him, is considered a possible contender for the GOP's number two slot. He also spent time on the trail in Wisconsin stumping for Walker during the governor's recall battle.
