This Week In History Feb. 25- March 1

This Week In History Feb. 25- March 1

ByABC News
February 25, 2013, 11:46 AM

Feb. 25, 2013 -- intro: Does this week seem like any other week? Well, think again. Check out some of the most important political events that happened this week in history.

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quicklist:1title: February 25text:1828:John Adams, the son of sixth U.S. President John Quincy Adams, married his first cousin in the White House, keeping the bloodline in the Adams family.

1870: The U.S. Senate agreed to admit a black man to its ranks declaring Hiram Revels the first black United States senator, taking over the term of Jefferson Davis.

1987: The United States Supreme Court upheld affirmative action in United States v. Paradise. The court upheld a one-for-one promotion requirement in the Alabama Department of Public Safety declaring that for every white candidate promoted, a qualified African American would also be promoted.


quicklist:2title: February 26text:1929:Two national parks, the Grand Canyon and the Grant Tetons were established in the United States 10 years apart in 1919 and 1929. In 1908, President Theodore Roosevelt designated over 800,000 acres of the Grand Canyon as a national monument, but it was later designated as a national park under President Woodrow Wilson on this day in 1919.

1969: The Supreme Court ruled to prohibit racial segregation of interstate and intrastate transportation facilities in Bailey v. Patterson.

1993: At 12:18 p.m. on this day a bomb exploded in a parking garage of the World Trade Center in New York City. The blast killed six people and injured more than 1,000. Though the terrorist attack did not critically damage the main structure of the buildings more than $500 million in damage was done.


quicklist:3title: February 27text: 1922: Supreme Court unanimously upheld validity of 19th Amendment, which allows women the right to vote.

1951: The 22nd Amendment, limiting president of the United States to two terms, was ratified

2012: On this day the website WikiLeaks began releasing more than 5 million e-mails from the private intelligence company, Stratfor. The e-mails released featured unflattering descriptions of U.S. government agencies.

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quicklist: 4title: Febrary 28text: 1854: A meeting at a school house of more than 30 opponents of the Kansas-Nebraska Act in Ripon, Wisc., called for the organization of a new political party that would be known as the Republican Party.

1972: President Richard Nixon ends what he called "The week that changed the world." On this day in 1972, Nixon ended his historic visit to China, which prompted a discontinuation of 25 years of isolation between the two countries.

1997: The first phase of the federal rule requiring that smokers in all 50 states must prove that they are over the age of 18 to purchase cigarettes went into effect on this day in 1997.

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quicklist: 5title: March 1text:1954: Four members of an extremist Puerto Rican nationalist group yelled "Free Puerto Rico" while firing over 30 shots at the floor of the House of Representatives from a visitors' gallery. The assault injured five U.S. representatives.

1961: President John F. Kennedy signed an executive order establishing the Peace Corps as a new agency within the Department of State.

1971: A bomb exploded in the U.S. Capitol building resulting in an estimated $300,000 in damage . A radical left organization called "Weather Underground" executed the attack which was done in protest of the Laos invasion supported by the United States.

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