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ABC News' The Note: First Source for Political News

ByABC News
July 27, 2004, 11:13 AM

B O S T O N, July 27, 2004&#151;<br> -- NOTED NOW



Morning Show Wrap

Evening Newscasts Wrap

The Democratic convention continues35 days until the Republican convention99 days until election day

NEWS SUMMARY:It's easy from deep within the friendly confines of the Fleet Center to become hostage to a Finemanian-Gergenian worldview, but it isn't crazy to try to remember what actual voters think.

Or rather on this day of Teresa Heinz Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean, Chris Heinz, and Barack Obama what actual voters DON'T think and never say.

1. Boy. Kerry in that space suit means he's a liberal wimp just like Michael Dukakis and therefore he cannot be president.

2. I really can't see how Kerry keeps from being overshadowed by Clinton.

3. I can't believe the press entrance isn't opening until 6:30 when they promised it would open at 6.

4. That Ron Reagan, how courageous is he to speak at the Democratic convention.

5. John Kerry must be as liberal as Ted Kennedy if he's allowing him to speak at his convention.

6. That speaker is just SO polarizing.

7. There's no way Barack Obama is as impressive as that New Yorker story made him out to be (Note Note: actually, he is.).

8. Why is John Kerry spending all his time in Virginia?

9. It's on the front page of the New York Times why aren't the broadcast networks doing the story?

10. Boy, that Teresa is so outspoken! She can never be First Lady.

11. Boy, that Teresa is so outspoken! Her husband can never be president.

12. Boy, that Christie Vilsack is so outspoken! She can never be First Lady.

13. Who's working on the Kerry speech besides Shrum?

14. You don't think Googling Monkeys are just a narrative device, do you?

15. The breakdown of Senator Kerry's plane is a perfect metaphor for problems in the campaign not to mention a development that really calls into question his ability to govern.

16. When I am not busy working to pay for my parents' prescription drugs and find decent daycare for my kids, I really do need to find the time to decide if I want to switch to an outspoken First Lady.

17. I can't help but notice the number of times the word "Bush" is uttered from the podium.

18. I wonder how many times John Kerry and John Edwards didn't vote the same way in the Senate.

19. I'm just not sure the balance between positive Kerry message and the negative jabs at President Bush is really all that good so far.

20. What are Mark Halperin and his dog Burt doing in West Palm Beach during the Democratic National Convention? LINK

It debuted yesterday, and already it's hard to remember life without ABC News Now, our new, 24-hour news service, available on broadband, digital cable, and the Web and you won't want to miss it. Peter Jennings and a gaggle of special guests are on hand for gavel-to-gavel coverage ABC News Now is your all-access pass to the Democratic National Convention. For more information, click here: LINK

An added bonus: See what we look like David Chalian and Marc Ambinder have planned appearances today.

Can't figure out this new-fangled technology? Let Robert Krulwich explain. LINK

And if you want the best, up-to-the-minute convention news, tidbits, and insight, log on to Noted Now: LINKAs many have observed, the hall was on fire last night a lot more like Night Four usually is than Night One.

Tonight, they'll love Kennedy you can be sure. And we bet that Chris Heinz has just touch of a catch of his nervousness in his voice to start out with (understandably).

But the big question of the evening is what kind of tone and style Mrs. Heinz Kerry adopts in her one (planned) big moment in the spotlight in this whole campaign.

Unless, of course, a First Ladies debate gets added to the schedule to which we wouldn't object.

Senator Kerry campaigns today in Virginia and Pennsylvania with a 10am rally in Norfolk.

At that event, per two early-rising Kerry staffers, John Kerry plans to make a little news by calling for the 9/11 Commission to be "extended by an additional 18 months so that they can advocate for the reforms they recommended and make regular assessments on the implementation."

Says our "secret" source: "Last night we flew Congresswoman Jane Harman to be with Kerry at the event today. They'll be joined by Vice Admiral Lee Gunn and Kerry's swift boat crewmate Skip Parker." (The quote marks are an inside joke.)

Kerry goes on to a 6pm rally in Philadelphia.

Kerry's running mate, John Edwards flies to Boston.

President Bush is at the Bush family ranch in Crawford, Texas, with no scheduled events through Wednesday.

Vice President Cheney continues his west coast swing with a noon rally for the troops at Camp Pendleton in California. Cheney then heads to Bakersfield, California to speak as a 4pm luncheon reception for congressional candidate Roy Ashburn.

In the evening, Cheney then drops by Riverside for another reception at 10:30pm, this time for senatorial candidate Bill Jones.

The morning shows:In advance of her speech tonight, Teresa Heinz Kerry was interviewed on ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN. She showed no remorse for her "shove it" comments and clung hard to the distinction between "un-American activities" and "un-American traits."

On CBS' "Early Show," Heinz Kerry explained that she did not regret her comment, saying, "No, I wanted him to back off because he was trying to trap me with words I didn't say."

On NBC's "Today," Heinz Kerry said, "I really wanted him to back off, back off. I heard him say two words that I didn't say and I saw the potential of misrepresentation and so I defended myself. When Katie Couric told Heinz Kerry that she had said during the speech "creeping un-Pennsylvanian and creeping un-American traits," Heinz Kerry said, "And that's very different from un-American activities."

Asked on CNN why she didn't just walk away, Teresa Heinz Kerry said, "Because this person was trying to trap me, and I'm not going to let them."

On ABC's "Good Morning America," Heinz Kerry was asked if "we are too polite" by Charlie Gibson. Heinz Kerry responded: "It's not a question of politeness, although politeness is a good thing. But it's telling someone who is trying to misrepresent you and trap you intentionally to go. To take off."

Gibson described Heinz Kerry as "A woman of strong opinions, for sure." Her response: "Just like a man."

Democratic National Convention: Monday:Ron Brownstein Notes the Democrats of years past put national security front and center in the convention hall Monday night. LINK

"[Bill] Clinton's remarks, even more remarkable given the controversy he faced over his own efforts to avoid serving in Vietnam, demonstrated the extent to which Democrats are relying on Kerry's combat experience to overcome the traditional party disadvantage on national security issues. It also gave the evening a more confrontational tone than Kerry aides promised when they said the convention would focus less on assailing Bush than burnishing the Massachusetts senator's image."Bill Clinton: "biting address"

Jimmy Carter: "scathing speech"

Al Gore: "a speech laced with humor"

So goes The Los Angeles Times' Mark Z. Barabak's and Michael Finnegan's review of Night One's orations. LINK

Anne Kornblut of the Boston Globe : LINK

Adam Nagourney of the New York Times : LINKMarinucci and Sandalow in the San Francisco Chronicle: LINK

Ron Fournier: LINK USA Today 's Bill Nichols (whose return to the political stage is just as exciting to us as that of Bill Clinton!) writes that "amid tight security and picture-perfect New England summer weather, Democratic delegates and officials throughout the city mostly succeeded in showing the world a rare moment of harmony." LINK