Bizarre Christmas Cards From Politicians Through the Years

Tony Blair wasn't the first politico to send a cringe-worthy card.

ByABC News
December 2, 2014, 6:22 PM

— -- The forced smile on former British Prime Minister Tony Blair's face isn't the most bizarre thing a politician has put on a Christmas card.

Though Blair may be the latest to earn himself a less-than-favorable hashtag on Twitter as a result of the awkward card that was anonymously shared by a recipient on Monday, America has had its fair share of politicians who have tried to show their lighter side during the holidays -- with varying degrees of success.

Bruce Oreck, the American Ambassador to Finland, showed his constituents his muscles in an effort to promote fitness in 2011 and got such a positive reaction that he has continued with the light-hearted holiday cards ever since.

Ambassador Bruce Oreck shared this holiday card on Facebook on Dec. 18, 2012 with the caption, "Nothing says happy holidays like an 60 year old guy in a torn suit..."
Ambassador Bruce Oreck shared this holiday card on Facebook on Dec. 5, 2014.

Democratic Rep. Loretta Sanchez started featuring her cat Gretzky in 2002 and carried on through his death in 2010, but she has continued the tradition of quirky cards.

California Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez 2008 holiday card.

Mayor Jorge Santini of San Juan, Puerto Rico, showed his animal side in his family's 2011 card for a good cause: to highlight the work of the local wildlife museum. Who knew that taxidermied animals attacking would send a festive message? The Santinis did.

Jorge Santini's, the former Mayor of San Juan, 2011 holiday card.

The highest profile American politician to do a themed Christmas card didn't go all out with the joke, as former Republican presidential nominee Michele Bachmann released her family's Downton Abbey-themed photo after New Year's, but their formal attire still gives off a holiday vibe.

Here's hoping there'll be some new ones to add to the list this year.

PHOTO: Michele Bachman shared this holiday photo on Facebook on January 10, 2014 with the caption, "Bachmann Abbey."
Michele Bachmann shared this holiday photo on Facebook on January 10, 2014 with the caption, "Bachmann Abbey."