The History of Sarah Palin and Donald Trump's Friendship

On Tuesday Palin endorsed Trump for president.

ByABC News
January 20, 2016, 5:34 PM

— -- Sarah Palin's endorsement of Donald Trump's presidential campaign marks the strongest and most public declaration of the pair's friendly relationship yet.

The former governor of Alaska and the real estate tycoon have known each other for years.

Here is a review of how the New York City billionaire and the "hockey mom" from Alaska ended up standing next to one another on stage in Ames, Iowa, on Tuesday.

PHOTO: John McCain is pictured with Sarah Palin on Aug. 29, 2008 at a rally in Dayton, Ohio. McCain named Palin as his vice presidential running mate at the rally.
John McCain pictured with Sarah Palin on Aug. 29, 2008 at a rally in Dayton, Ohio. McCain named Palin as his vice presidential running mate at the rally.
Jonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images

Sarah Becomes a National Figure

Palin's introduction to Americans outside of Alaska, came in August 2008 when she was announced as the running mate of Sen. John McCain.

Trump later told CNN that he had never heard of Palin before the announcement.

"As soon as we got to see her and watch her, everybody’s impressed," Trump said to CNN in September 2008. "That really is to John McCain’s credit. What he did in this choice is amazing. It was a courageous choice."

Trump endorsed the McCain-Palin ticket and made several contributions to McCain's presidential campaign. All of Trump's contributions to McCain in 2008 totaled $11,200, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Trump donated before Palin was officially put on the ticket.

Sarah and Todd Palin watch Bristol Palin and Mark Ballas on "Dancing with the Stars: All-Stars - The Results Show," on Oct. 16, 2012.
Adam Taylor/ABC/Getty Images

Fellow Reality Stars

Being in front of the political press is one thing, but taking the controls and launching a reality show is an entirely different circus.

Trump's show, "The Apprentice," lasted for 14 seasons and its spin-off, "Celebrity Apprentice," is currently in its seventh season.

Palin's show, "Sarah Palin's Alaska," spanned one season but her daughter Bristol competed on "Dancing With the Stars." "Mama grizzly" was a frequent member of the audience during her daughter's dances.

Pizza Summit

Flash forward several years, when Palin and Trump met for a meal in 2011. They had a meeting in Trump's midtown Manhattan offices before indulging in a slice of pizza alongside Trump's wife Melania.

"What do we have in common? A love for this country and a desire to see this economy get back on track," Palin said to reporters when leaving Trump's offices.

Trump returned the favor, saying she's "a terrific woman" and that he would "love her to run."

What really riled up some locals about the meeting was not the politics but the way they used a knife and fork instead of their hands.

A Political Match

The prospect of the two personalities combining forces is not a new idea.

During their 2011 meeting, a reporter asked what Palin thought of the two running on a ticket together.

"That sounds exciting! It sounds unconventional," she said at the time.