Sen. Mary Landrieu Counting on Stevie Wonder and Other Staunch Supporters

Here are five people who are still supporting the embattled Louisiana Democrat

ByABC News
December 1, 2014, 1:31 PM

— -- Sen. Mary Landrieu is relying on a close group of staunch Democratic supporters as she makes a final push to save her Senate seat from Republican challenger Rep. Bill Cassidy ahead of a Dec. 6 Louisiana runoff election.

The momentum seems to favor Cassidy. The GOP quickly coalesced behind Cassidy after the general election in November in which Cassidy and Landrieu received the most votes, but neither won enough to avoid a runoff. Cassidy has received a fresh round of endorsements from big-name 2016 contenders, including Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ken., and Texas Gov. Rick Perry.

Landrieu, meanwhile, was left to cope when the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee decided to withdraw previously reserved funds from her runoff, and pre-election polls indicated that Landrieu would probably lose a runoff to Cassidy. The situation further deteriorated for Landrieu when she was unable to push the Keystone Pipeline through a lame-duck session of Congress -- a key campaign issue in Louisiana. The measure fell short by one vote in the Senate.

But as Louisiana political observers will tell you, be careful before counting out Landrieu. She’s pulled off unlikely runoff victories in the past.

With just days to go before the election that could send this political survivor packing after 18 years in the Senate, Landrieu is not entirely in this alone. Here are five people who are still supporting her:

1. Stevie Wonder

Singer-songwriter Stevie Wonder, who Landrieu’s campaign describes as a long-time friend and supporter, will headline a Bayou fundraiser Monday night to rack in some last-minute funds in the final push leading up to Saturday’s runoff election.

Stevie Wonder is pictured on Sept. 10, 2014 in Los Angeles.

The Landrieu campaign can only hope that Wonder brings with him the right kind of superstition.

2. Hillary Clinton

On the same night that Wonder will headline fundraiser for Landrieu in the South, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton – one of the Democratic Party’s most reliable and capable fundraisers – will hold a separate event in the North (New York, to be precise) meant to bolster Landrieu’s funds.

3. Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Democratic National Committee Chair, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, was in Louisiana this weekend to campaign for Landrieu. But Schultz is as close as we’re likely to see Landrieu get to the head of the Democratic Party, considering that President Obama is considered one of Landrieu’s biggest liabilities in her bid for reelection.

4. Sen. Cory Booker

New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker, widely considered a rising star in the Democratic Party, recently made a trip to Louisiana to campaign for Landrieu. While Booker is a good deal more liberal than Landrieu, the African-American senator is a helpful ally for Landrieu among Louisiana’s African-American community, which composes a key base of Landrieu’s voting bloc.

Cory Booker is pictured on Nov. 18, 2014 in Philadelphia.

5. Mitch Landrieu

It helps to have friends in high places – and it’s even better to have family members. Landrieu’s little brother, Mitch Landrieu, is the mayor of New Orleans. And after a successful reelection bid earlier this year, this endorsement is voter-approved.