Wednesday RNC Convention Wire Archive

ByABC News
September 1, 2004, 12:05 PM


Vice President Cheney accepts the nomination for Vice President at 10:24 pm.

"If the killers of September 11th thought we had lost the will to defend our freedom, they did not know America ... and they did not know George W. Bush."

On making the world safer: "The most important result thus far -- and it is a very important one -- is that the black-market network that supplied nuclear weapons technology to Libya, as well as to Iran and North Korea, has been shut down. The world's worst source of nuclear weapons proliferation is out of business -- and we are safer as a result."

"Even in this post-9/11 period, Senator Kerry doesn't appear to understand how the world has changed. He talks about leading a "more sensitive war on terror," as though Al Qaeda will be impressed with our softer side."

"A Senator can be wrong for 20 years, without consequence to the nation. But a President always casts the deciding vote. And in this time of challenge, America needs a president we can count on to get it right."

"Senator Kerry says he sees two Americas. It makes the whole thing mutual -- America sees two John Kerrys."

Protestor removed from hall during speech... NY police now scouring that section for more possible disruptors, reports ABC's Ann Compton.

Keynote speaker Sen. Zell Miller: "Motivated more by partisan politics than by national security, today's Democratic leaders see America as an occupier, not a liberator. And nothing makes this Marine madder than someone calling American troops occupiers rather than liberators."

"John Kerry wants to re-fight yesterday's war...This is the man who wants to be the Commander in Chief of our U.S. Armed Forces? U.S. forces armed with what? Spitballs?"

Georgia delegation chants: "Give 'em hell, Zell"...Newt Gingrich stands with the delegation.

Michael Reagan pays tribute to his late father: "He wasn't just a great communicator, he communicated great ideas! Where did his ideas come from? They came from his beliefs."