Inaugural Quiz

ByABC News
January 18, 2001, 8:59 AM

— -- An inaugural quiz, with selected questions and answers taken from quizzes compiled separately by the National Archives and Records Administration, the White House Historical Association and the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies:

1. Who was the first president inaugurated in Washington, D.C.?

2. Who was the first president inaugurated for a term limited bythe Constitution?

3. Who was the youngest president-elect at the time of hisinauguration?

4. When was the first inauguration under the 20th amendment tothe Constitution which changed the date from March 4 to Jan. 20?

5. Who was the first president to wear a beard at his inaugural?

6. How was snow removed from Pennsylvania Avenue for PresidentJohn F. Kennedy's inaugural parade?

7. Who was the only president elected unanimously in theElectoral College?

8. When was the first inaugural ball held?

9. Where in the Constitution is the oath of office found?

10. Who was the first president born an American citizen?

11. When did the first inauguration take place on the West Frontof the Capitol?

12. What president was sworn in secretly two days before theofficial inaugural ceremony?

13. Which inauguration was the first to be televised?

14. Who was the first inaugurated president to be born outsidethe original 13 states?

15. Who was the first vice president to succeed to thepresidency, taking office on April 6, 1841?

16. Which was the first inaugural recorded on movie film andgramophone record?

17. Which president was accompanied to his two inaugurals by adifferent wife?

18. Which president was the first to ride to his inaugural in anautomobile?

19. Who was the only 20th century president to walk with hisfamily from the Capitol down Pennsylvania Avenue to the reviewingstand in front of the White House?

20. Who was the only president to attend two inaugurations asthe outgoing president?


1. Thomas Jefferson in 1801.