Republicans: 'How's That Working for You?'

ByABC News
October 31, 2006, 5:02 PM

Nov. 1, 2006 — -- If the Republicans in Congress were treated by Dr. Phil, and they explained how they were trying to save themselves from defeat by scaring conservatives and moderates about the Democrats, the famous psychologist might ask, "And how's that working for you?"

With Republicans in very serious danger of losing their majorities in both chambers, they're using Halloween scare tactics against Democratic candidates.

Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the prospective Democratic committee chairman are being portrayed as the 2006 equivalent of the Creatures from the Black Lagoon.

The big-spending, high-deficit, morally-deficient Republican Party hasn't anything else to offer. But conservatives know that Democrats cannot be any worse, and may be a little better, on fiscal issues.

In the old days, a liberal Republican could be described as Democrat lite. Today the big spenders in the GOP have far surpassed the worst of the liberal Democrats.

As I describe in "Conservatives Betrayed: How George W. Bush and Other Big Government Republicans Hijacked the Conservative Cause," the increases in federal spending for the six years that President Bush and Republicans in Congress have been running the show have exceeded the entire federal budget under President Carter.

Conservatives have also learned that while Republicans sometimes provide significant symbolism on social issues, in truth, many of them show a disdain for values voters.

I have bad news for Karl Rove and Ken Mehlman: It ain't workin' for you. To borrow another one of Dr. Phil's signature phrases, "Get real!"

The good news is Republicans can still pull victory out of the jaws of defeat if they confess their political sins, promise to govern differently, and propose a new vision.

We need a fresh vision and direction that spells out what they would do differently if they were actually left in power.

Richard A. Viguerie, chairman of American Target Advertising, Inc., is the author of five books, including the recently published "Conservatives Betrayed: How George W. Bush and Other Big Government Republicans Hijacked the Conservative Cause" (Bonus Books, 2006).