Sarah Silverman Calls on Young Jews
Comedian's video urges Florida Jews to vote for Obama, or else.
Oct. 17, 2008 — -- One get-out-the-vote effort stands out in the digital world.
Comedian Sarah Silverman's profanity-strewn viral video "The Great Schlep" has been streamed at least an estimated 3 million times -- pleading to young Jews to persuade their grandparents to vote for Sen. Barack Obama.
Silverman minces no words: "If Barack Obama doesn't become the next president of the United States, I'm going to blame the Jews. I am," she said.
Produced by the Jewish Council for Education and Research, a political action committee, the video is trying to turn laughs -- and a little cultural self-deprecation -- into votes.
"We realized that at the end of the day the No. 1 way to convince people is to have one-on-one conversation with a loved one," said "The Great Schlep" Web site co-founder Ari Wallach. "And the No. 1 loved one of grandparents is their grandchildren."
"The Great Schlep" targets Florida, where Jews make up only about 5 percent of the population. But the 2000 election weighs heavily on the minds of some (Jewish guilt, possibly?).
That year, confusing butterfly ballots caused some elderly Palm Beach county residents to vote for a different candidate, when they intended to vote for Democrat Al Gore. Republican George W. Bush won the state by a 537-vote margin. In the video, Silverman goes on to explain why she will blame the Jews if Obama loses Florida.
"Oh, my God, Sarah, I can't believe you're saying this. Jews are the most liberal, scrappy, civil-rightsy people there are," she said in the video. "Yes, that's true, but you're forgetting a whole large group of Jews that are not that way and they go by several aliases: Nana, Papa, Zadie, Bubbie, plain old Grandma and Grandpa. These are the people who vote in Florida and the Florida vote can make or break an election."
Wallach and Schlep site co-founder Mik Moore drew up talking points so young people are prepared when they are at the dinner table with Nana and Papa -- speaking between bites of noodle kugel. The talking points, as well as the video, can be found on "The Great Schlep's" Web site,