Gadgets That Provide Peace of Mind for Pets

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 24, 2006, 5:24 PM

March 27, 2006 -- -- People love their pets, and they're willing to pay big bucks to prove it to their furry companions.

The American Pet Product Manufacturers Association estimates that the average dog owner spends $68 a year on treats, $45 on toys and $107 on grooming or grooming aids. Cat owners spend $43 a year on treats, $29 on toys and $24 on grooming products, the group claims.

To meet that demand, new products debut at a rapid pace, covering traveling and walking with pets, dressing, and cleaning them.

GPS technology has changed the situation every dog owner dreads: losing their furry friend.

Devices that strap onto a dog's collar can locate the dogs using coordinates beamed down from satellites. Using cell phone technology, those coordinates are then sent to a tracking service that can display real-time Internet maps of the dog's location.

Global Pet Finder offers an eraser-size device that loops into a dog's collar. You can even use it to create a proactive warning system. First you use the device to mark a perimeter around your home. If the dog goes outside that perimeter, the Global Pet Finder will text-message your cell phone, alerting you to the breakout.

This prototype product has many of the same features listed with the Global Pet Finder, but it will also allow you to "talk" to your dog. Using a two-way speaker, you can dial Fido's collar phone. The Petcell will automatically pick up (manipulating those cell phone buttons is tough without opposable thumbs) so that you can talk to your dog. If he barks or whines at the sound of your voice, you'll be able to hear that through the two-way speaker. We have not seen a working model of this phone yet, but look for it to debut later in 2006.