Flier alert: Here's how to get back missing items

ByABC News
September 6, 2007, 4:34 PM

— -- Ever left something important on an airplane? A cellphone, say, or your medication? It can be nerve-wracking trying to get it back. Indeed, call an airline customer service number and you just might be told it's a lost cause (as happened recently to one USA TODAY reporter). Still, airlines say they do their best to get items that are Left on Board LOBs, as Continental calls them back to their rightful owners. USA TODAY offers a guide to their policies.


Where are items saved? Atthe American baggage office at the airport where they are found. How do I get them back? Report missing items at American's baggage office at the airport or a ticket counter. You must make the report in person (no phone calls). How long are items kept? Many weeks, American says. What happens to unclaimed items? Sent to a salvage company.


Where are items saved? Initially at the Continental baggage office at the airport where they are found; eventually they're sent to Continental's Baggage Resolution warehouse in Houston. How do I get them back? Report items at Continental's baggage office at the airport or e-mail lob@coair.com ("lob" stands for Left on Board). Or call 800-335-2247. How long are items kept? About a week at the airport. After that, items stay in Houston for 30-90 days. What happens to unclaimed items? Sent to a salvage company.


Where are items saved? Initially at the Delta baggage office at the airport where they are found; eventually they're sent to Delta's Baggage Service Center in Atlanta. How do I get them back? Call the Delta Baggage Service Center at 800-325-8224 with description of the item, the date it was lost, plus location and flight number. How long are items kept? 10 days at the airport. Then they're sent to Atlanta for three months. What happens to unclaimed items? Sent to a salvage company.


Where are items saved? At the Northwest office at the airport where they are found; eventually they're sent to Northwest's inventory warehouse in Minneapolis. How do I get them back? File a written report at the Northwest luggage services office at the airport. You cannot report a missing item over the phone or online. How long are items kept? A week at the airport; indeterminately once in Minneapolis. What happens to unclaimed items? Sent to a salvage company.