Quotes of the Week: 'There Will Be Some Missing on the Bus'
The quotes that made news this week.
Jan. 6, 2013— -- intro: The first week of the year was somber for students at Sandy Hook Elementary school who returned to classes, which were held in a neighboring town. A never-before-seen photo of Princess Diana gathered Internet buzz, while Congress addressed the looming fiscal cliff. Click through to see the quotes that made news this week.
quicklist: 1title: 'There Will Be Some Missing on the Bus.'text: On Thursday, Sandy Hook Elementary School students returned to class for the first time since the pre-Christmas massacre.
Students are attending classes six miles away at the former Chalk Hill school in Monroe, Conn.
Erin Milgram, the mother of a first grader and a fourth grader at Sandy Hook, told "Good Morning America" that she was going to drive behind the bus and stay with her 7-year-old Lauren for the entire school day.
"She knows her friends and she'll also see on the bus ... there will be some missing on the bus," Milgram said. "We look at yearbook pictures. We try to focus on the happy times because we really don't know what we're doing."
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quicklist: 2title: 'When He Came Back He Was Told He Had Competition: The Prince of Wales.'text: The mystery of the young man sitting beside the late Diana Spencer in a photo apparently prohibited from being published has been solved.
The photo of Lady Diana before she married into the royal family will be up for auction later this month. Besides the identity of the mystery man, the words, "not to be published," written on the image in grease pencil, intrigued the photo's owner, Eric Caren of Caren Archive.
Caren had bought images from the former British newspaper, the Daily Mirror.
The man in the photo is Adam Russell, a student at Oxford University at the time and the great-grandson of former Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin. He is currently a deer farmer in Dorset, England.
Biographer Andrew Morton said, "After the holiday, Russell went away for a year and when he came back he was told he had competition: the Prince of Wales."
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quicklist: 3title: 'There's a Certain Segment of the Population That's Just Going to be Automatically Suspicious of Anything That Starts with 'Al,' like Al Qaeda -- or Al Gore, for That Matter.'text: Hillary Clinton and some other Americans who want a global perspective may be fans of the Qatar-based news service Al Jazeera, but will Americans tune in to its new English channel?
Owned by the government of Qatar but broadcast across 130 countries, the Arab-language news service says it is planning to replace the Current TV cable network it is purchasing with its own English programming.
Current TV, founded by former vice president Al Gore in 2005, is based in San Francisco. The purchase price has not been disclosed but the New York Times reports people with knowledge of the deal estimate it was worth $500 million. Gore owned 20 percent of Current TV.
Al Jazeera says about 50 percent of traffic to the Al Jazeera English website comes from the United States and Canada.
Simon Dumenco, media columnist at Advertising Age, is skeptical whether millions of new American viewers will watch.
"I hate to say it, but I think a good number of Americans, among those that have even heard of Al Jazeera, are suspicious of it by default," he said. "There's a certain segment of the population that's just going to be automatically suspicious of anything that starts with 'Al,' like Al Qaeda — or Al Gore, for that matter."
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quicklist: 4title: 'I Don't Think Anybody Should Expect This to be the Last Action Taken.'text: While Congress has yet to discuss spending cuts to defense and domestic programs, they have drawn the line on tax increases and tax break extensions.
Some businesses are happy about certain temporary tax credits, like the R&D credit, which expired in 2011, that Congress retroactively extended through 2013.
Joseph Rosenberg, research associate with Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, said the basic outline of the deal did not have too many surprises.
"The fact that it was all done on a permanent basis -- not a one or two year extension -- was probably the only thing that was the biggest surprise to me," he said.
Congress will of course have to deal with the budget deficit, which is still trillions of dollars.
"There definitely will be further discussions and steps with regard to spending and revenue too," he said. "I don't think anybody should expect this to be the last action taken."
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quicklist: 5title: 'I Knew It Was Special Right Away.'text: Nevaeh Atkins was going to be born soon enough. She just wanted a helping hand, evidently.
She got one from her doctor, as seen in a photo snapped Oct. 9 by her father just before her birth via C-section.
In the photo, Nevaeh grips Dr. Allan Sawyer's hand even before emerging from her mother's womb.
"I just thought right away that it was a beautiful, amazing photo that I had never seen before," Nevaeh's mother, Alicia Atkins, told ABCNews.com. "I knew it was special right away.
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quicklist: 6title: 'My Best Version of Talking as a Girl ... Is Adding Winky Face Emoticons.'text: A New York musician posed as a saucy femme fatale in order to come face-to-face with the man who took his iPhone.
Nadal Nirenberg left his iPhone 4 in a cab on New Year's Eve. The next morning, around 6 a.m., he noticed someone was using his online dating profile, which was linked to his phone, to troll for dates.
The Brooklynite decided to lure the person with his phone into a honey trap. He set up a phony female profile on OK Cupid, complete with a cleavage-bearing photo plucked from the Internet, and began communicating.
"My best version of talking as a girl as a flirty girl, I should say, is adding winky face emoticons," Nirenberg said.
The mark took the bait, writing: "U wanna meet?"
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quicklist: 7title: 'A Lot of It is up Here, Between Your Ears... Your Attitude and the Heart You Have and Just the Mentality You Attack Every Day With.'text: Austin Woods, an offensive lineman for the Oklahoma Sooners, plays hard, whether it's on the football field, in the classroom or tackling cancer.
"A lot of it is up here, between your ears," Woods said, "you know, your attitude and the heart you have and just the mentality you attack every day with."
During early spring practices, the 6-foot-4, 293-pound junior offensive lineman felt something wasn't right.
"I thought it was mono. I didn't know what it was," he said.
In late April, Woods was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma, a form of blood cancer.
It seemed inevitable that he would be sidelined for the season while he underwent twice-monthly chemotherapy treatments, but Woods was determined to not let cancer get the best of him.
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