Incredible Time-Lapse Video of Man's Minnesota-to-NYC Commute

And you thought your commute was long.

ByABC News
October 8, 2014, 10:48 AM
"A Super Commuter's Journey in Timelapse," posted to Ian Bearce's account on Vimeo shows his commute from Minneapolis to New York City and back again.
"A Super Commuter's Journey in Timelapse," posted to Ian Bearce's account on Vimeo shows his commute from Minneapolis to New York City and back again.
Ian Bearce/Vimeo

— -- If you thought your commute was rough, this man probably has you beat.

Ian Bearce, a self-described "super-commuter," travels every week from Minneapolis to work in New York City, before heading back home to his family. He posted a time-lapse video online of his extreme commute, showing his early-morning drive and shuttle to the airport, the flight to New York, the airport shuttle-to-the-subway ride and, finally, his arrival at the office where he works.

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Then, he does it all over again to get home.

Bearce's wife, Megan Bearce, has turned their experience with long-distance commuting into a book: "Super Commuter Couples: Staying Together When a Job Keeps You Apart."