5 Things To Know This Morning
5 Things To Know This Morning
Oct. 5, 2012 — -- Your look at the five biggest and most buzz-worthy stories of the morning.
1. 55 Percent Chance of El Nino Forming in Pacific
NOAA's Climate Prediction Center released an updated El Nino outlook for the upcoming winter season on Thursday. The report says that there is now a 55 percent chance of El Nino forming in the Pacific this winter, down from 70 percent. People in the Northeast and Midwest should brace for a colder winter than last year.
2. Border Patrol Agent Shooting May Have Been Friendly Fire
Sources close to the investigation in the shooting of a Border Patrol Agent tell ABC News that authorities are looking at the possibility that a "friendly fire accidental shooting" is what killed Agent Nicholas Ivie.
3. Gas Prices Likely to Rise
Analysts say gas prices will likely rise past $4.37, a gallon – the highest price so far this year -- thanks to a shortage of supplies after refinery outages and pipeline problems in California. The average price of a gallon of regular gas jumped 8 cents $4.32 in California – up 18 cents during the past week, according to the AAA's Daily Fuel Gauge.
4. American Airlines: Design Flaws, Wear, Soda Spills Caused Loose Seats
Airline officials say several seats have come loose on a number of American Airline planes because of a combination of poor design, wear and soda spilling into the tracks that hold the seats down. Officials have begun pulling 48 Boeing 757s off the runway to install an additional, newly designed and FAA approved locking mechanism that they hope will solve the problem.
5. Recalled Back Pain Medication may be Cause of Meningitis Outbreak
A hospital in Indiana says they are contacting hundreds of patients after receiving medication that's now tied to an outbreak of a rare case of meningitis. The hospital says about 560 patients were given an injection of the recalled back pain medication and that at least 35 cases have been reported so far. At least five people have died.