Obama and Biden Scold Democratic Base: Will Their Comments Energize or Anger Democrats?

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ByABC News
September 28, 2010, 9:37 AM

Sept. 28, 2010— -- As the midterm elections draw nearer, both President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are on the offensive, not only defending their record to political opponents but to critics in their own party.

In an interview with Rolling Stone magazine to be published Friday, the president seems to scold liberal Democrats for any dissatisfaction with his record.

"People need to shake off this lethargy. People need to buck up," Obama told Rolling Stone, adding that it would be "inexcusable" for dissatisfied Democrats to stay away from the polls in November.

"If people now want to take their ball and go home, that tells me folks weren't serious in the first place," Obama said.

At a fundraiser Monday in Manchester, N.H., Biden encouraged Democrats to "remind our base constituency to stop whining and get out there and look at the alternatives. This president has done an incredible job. He's kept his promises."

Such comments are an acknowledgement of a real problem for Democratic candidates in the coming election. But our question to you today: Will the comments energize or anger Democrats?

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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