'What Would You Do?' episode recap: Waitress berates Hispanic couple for speaking Spanish

A recap of this week's episode of "What Would You Do?" with ABC's John Quiñones.

ByVictoria Brophy
August 4, 2018, 3:40 AM

Here is a recap of this week's episode of "What Would You Do?" with ABC's John Quiñones:

What Would You Do: Pregnant Later in Life -- You’re out to lunch when you overhear two women catching up. One woman says she wants to try and get pregnant. Instead of reacting with joy, the friend tells her that she's too old to have a baby at age 48. The hopeful-mom-to-be is noticeably upset. What would you do if you witnessed this conversation? What if it was her husband who disapproved of the idea? WWYD? Watch what happens:

A woman in her 40s is telling her friend she wants to have a baby. Her friend expresses her concerns about her desire to have a child. What happens if we switch the friend to a husband?

What Would You Do: Woman's friend and husband object to her having a baby in her 40s

A woman in her 40s is telling her friend she wants to have a baby. Her friend expresses her concerns about her desire to have a child. What happens if we switch the friend to a husband?

What Would You Do: E-Cigarettes Update -- Recent stories have come up in the news regarding teen use of e-cigarettes. What would you do if a minor asked you to buy e-cigarettes for them? Watch what happens:

Two minors ask convenience store customers if they can buy them e-cigarettes. What will people do?

What Would You Do: Minors ask others to buy them e-cigarettes

Two minors ask convenience store customers if they can buy them e-cigarettes. What will people do?

What Would You Do: Language Barrier -- A Hispanic couple is at a diner when their white waitress arrives to take their order. When the couple has a hard time speaking English the waiter grows frustrated and insists they order in English. What will other patrons do? Watch what happens:

A Hispanic couple is out to lunch. When they have a hard time speaking English while placing their order, the waitress grows frustrated and insists that they order in English. What will people do?

What Would You Do: Waitress berates Hispanic couple for speaking Spanish

A Hispanic couple is out to lunch. When they have a hard time speaking English while placing their order, the waitress grows frustrated and insists that they order in English. What will people do?

What Would You Do: Baby in a Hot Car Update -- Every summer we hear the horrible stories of children dying from the heat after they are left unattended in cars. We put a fake baby in a car and attach a speaker so passersby hear crying. When the parents leave the child to run an errand, how will people react? What would you do? Watch what happens:

We put a fake baby in a hot car with a speaker so passersby hear crying. When the parents leave the child to run an errand, how will people react? What would you do?

What Would You Do: Parents leave a baby in a hot car while they run an errand

We put a fake baby in a hot car with a speaker so passersby hear crying. When the parents leave the child to run an errand, how will people react? What would you do?

What Would You Do: Customer Critique -- You’re out to eat when your waiter is so preoccupied telling jokes and stories that they forget to do their actual job. Do you tell him you like his act and let it continue, or do you bring the curtain down on his comedy? Watch what happens:

A waiter is so preoccupied telling jokes and stories to his customers that he forgets to do his job. Will people tell him they like his act and let it continue, or will they put an end to it?

What Would You Do: A waiter is preoccupied telling jokes that he forgets to do his real job

A waiter is so preoccupied telling jokes and stories to his customers that he forgets to do his job. Will people tell him they like his act and let it continue, or will they put an end to it?