'What Would You Do?' Recap: Racist Hairdresser Bashes Interracial Couple, Teens Threaten to Out Gay Friend

A recap of this week's episode of "What Would You Do?" with ABC's John Quiñones.

ByABC News
July 18, 2016, 10:19 AM

— -- Here is a recap of this week's episode of "What Would You Do?" with ABC's John Quiñones.

What Would You Do: Employee Tries to Steal From Store Nearly $15 billion worth of goods goes missing from U.S. retailers by employees every year. What would you do if you saw an employee stealing expensive jewelry from the store where he works? Watch what happens:

While working, an employee tries to steal merchandise in front of customers.

What Would You Do: Employee Tries To Steal From Store

While working, an employee tries to steal merchandise in front of customers.

What Would You Do: Two Boys Try to Force Their Friend Out of the Closet We're at a restaurant where two gay, teenage boys are threatening to "out" their closeted gay friend on Facebook. They're fed up with his hiding himself and believe that living openly is best, but he just isn't ready. What would you do? Watch what happens:

While having lunch, two boys try to force their friend to come out publically or they won't be his friend anymore.

What Would You Do: Two Boys Try To Force Their Friend Out Of The Closet

While having lunch, two boys try to force their friend to come out publically or they won't be his friend anymore.

What Would You Do: Two Patrons Try to Force Recovering Alcoholic to Drink What would you do if you saw two bar patrons pressuring our recovering alcoholic bartender to take shots with them? Watch what happens:

A bartender who also happens to be a recovering alcoholic is pressured into taking shots with two of his customers.

What Would You Do: Two Patrons Try To Force Recovering Alcoholic To Drink

A bartender who also happens to be a recovering alcoholic is pressured into taking shots with two of his customers.

What Would You Do: Customer Tries to Swap Old Shoes for New Ones You’re at a shoe store when you see two conniving customers putting their old shoes in the shoe boxes. They begin walking out of the store in the new pairs … walking right past the register without paying, even handing the clerk the boxes with the old shoes while wearing the new ones. Do you stop them, tell an employee, or do you let them go? What would you do? Watch what happens:

Two customers are shopping for new shoes when they decide to put their old ones in the shoe boxes and walk out wearing the new ones.

What Would You Do: Customer Tries To Swap Old Shoes For New Ones

Two customers are shopping for new shoes when they decide to put their old ones in the shoe boxes and walk out wearing the new ones.

What Would You Do: Racist Hairdresser Bashes Interracial Couple We're at a hair salon in Atlanta, in an African-American neighborhood. How will customers react when a white man comes in to meet his black girlfriend who is getting her hair done? When our actor, playing a racist hairdresser, starts making rude comments, will the customers agree with her or will they stick up for the interracial couple? Watch what happens:

While getting her hair done, a black woman is harassed by her hairdresser for dating a white man.

What Would You Do: Hairdresser Bashes Interracial Couple

While getting her hair done, a black woman is harassed by her hairdresser for dating a white man.