Illinois and Ohio primaries 2024: Trump-backed Senate candidate prevails in Ohio primary

538 tracked key House and Senate races, including a California special election.

November’s presidential matchup may be set, but Democrats and Republicans still need to decide who will run in hundreds of downballot races (e.g., for Senate and House) this fall. A batch of these contests were decided on Tuesday, March 19.

Tuesday was primary day in Ohio and Illinois, and in the biggest contest of the day, Republicans chose former President Donald Trump's endorsee Bernie Moreno as their candidate in Ohio’s U.S. Senate race. It was a good night for other Trump endorsees too, as Derek Merrin prevailed in the GOP primary for Ohio's 9th Congressional District, while incumbent Mike Bost is leading his challenger in Illinois's 12th District, as of early Wednesday morning. Plus, a special election in California could have immediate implications for House Republicans’ razor-thin majority.

538 reporters and contributors broke down the election results as they came in with live updates, analysis and commentary. Read our full live blog below.

Ohioans are unhappy with the state of their state

In a February survey from Fallon Research, 47 percent of registered voters in Ohio said they thought the state was off on the wrong track, while 29 percent said it was going in the right direction. This includes pluralities across the political spectrum, with 50 percent of Democrats, 41 percent of Republicans and 49 percent of unaffiliated voters all agreeing the state was on the wrong track, compared with 21 percent of Democrats, 31 percent of Republicans and 31 percent of unaffiliated voters saying it was headed in the right direction.

—Mary Radcliffe, 538

The intraparty battles shaping Ohio state House races

In the Ohio House of Representatives, a speaker battle from last year is playing out in the GOP state legislative primaries tonight.

Republicans have veto-proof majorities in both chambers. But when it came time to elect a speaker at the start of the term last year, a moderate Republican, state Rep. Jason Stephens, beat a far-right candidate, Derek Merrin, in a surprising upset thanks to backing from the chamber’s Democrats and 22 Republicans (including Stephens himself). As speaker, Stephens has control over which bills make it to the floor, and Democrats backed him in exchange for support on some of their policy priorities. Meanwhile, the conservative wing of the party censured those 22 members, dubbing them the “Blue 22.”

This year, Merrin himself is term-limited and running in the 9th Congressional District , while the conservatives who backed him for speaker are now backing challengers against half of the pro-Stephens Republicans. National groups have also stepped in to back these challengers, telling the Statehouse News Bureau that they don't want to just elect Republicans; they also want to support a "bold conservative policy agenda." Adding yet another dynamic to the conflict, the current state Senate President Matt Huffman, a conservative who is also term-limited in the Senate, has jumped into the fray and is running unopposed for a state House seat. He has signaled that he wants to be speaker, and donated to the incumbents who backed Merrin in the speaker fight.

The tug-of-war between the far-right and more moderate members of the Republican Party is playing out in states around the country, and, in some cases, among far-right members themselves. Some of the infighting is centered over what happened in 2020 and the false claim that Trump actually won, and could seriously weaken the state parties heading into competitive general election contests in states like Michigan, Arizona and Georgia. In safe-red Ohio, the consequences could be more localized, but the speaker race, for example, will have a major impact on the kinds of bills the state legislature tries to pass next year around divisive issues like abortion or redistricting.

—Monica Potts, 538

Big spending in Ohio’s Republican Senate primary

The GOP primary for Senate in Ohio is, by leaps and bounds, the most expensive Republican primary race of the cycle — and the second-most expensive Senate primary overall this year (after California’s Senate contest). The three major Republican candidates and their allies have spent a combined $41.2 million through March 19.

The spending picture has largely been dominated by Dolan and Moreno, with LaRose, who is not personally wealthy like the other two, unable to keep pace. Dolan has spent $10.6 million on advertising while Moreno has spent $8.5 million. LaRose has not spent money on broadcast TV, cable, over-the-top/streaming or digital ads, according to data from AdImpact.

When it comes to outside spending, Dolan’s allies at the super PACs Buckeye Leadership Fund (which is largely funded by Dolan’s family) and Defend Ohio Values have spent $7 million and $1.7 million, respectively, bringing the pro-Dolan total to $19.3 million in spending.

Moreno’s supporters at the Club for Growth ($5.9 million), Buckeye Values PAC ($1.3 million) and Win It Back PAC ($823,000) — plus $3.3 million from a Democratic super PAC boosting Moreno because they believe he’ll be an easier general election opponent for Brown — bring the pro-Moreno squad’s total ad outlay to just under $20 million.

LaRose, who raised just $2.2 million through the end of February, is relying on support from his allied super PAC, Leadership for Ohio. That group has spent $5.4 million to boost his bid.

Ultimately, LaRose’s lack of access to significant personal funds hindered his ability to capitalize on the early name ID and polling advantage he had as a two-time statewide elected official. Dolan donated $9 million to his campaign out of his own pocket, and Moreno put $4.2 million of his own money into his campaign.

—Jacob Rubashkin, Inside Elections

Ohio voters are paying attention to Trump’s indictments

According to a March SurveyUSA/Ohio Northern University poll, Ohioans are keeping an eye on Trump’s various legal issues. Asked about the four criminal cases separately, at least 85 percent of respondents said they had heard about each case, and at least 62 percent said each case was “important for national politics.” The most well-known and most important case to Ohioans was the federal indictment regarding Jan. 6, which 91 percent of voters said they’d heard of and 69 percent said was important. And in all four cases, a plurality of Ohioans said they think the case should be tried before the election.

—Mary Radcliffe, 538

Final check-in on Democratic women

In Ohio's 15th District, Zerqa Abid, an anti-violence and anti-gang advocate in the Columbus area, is projected to lose her primary against former state Rep. Adam Miller, according to ABC News. Miller will face Republican incumbent Mike Carey in the fall. The district is fairly safely Republican, and Carey received Trump's endorsement when he first ran in an open special primary in 2021.

In all, 13 of the 17 Democratic women running tonight are projected to win their primaries, including nine incumbents.

—Monica Potts, 538