5 Creepy Things Born of Kate Middleton's Pregnancy

Coverage of Kate Middleton's pregnancy can get a little odd

ByABC News
December 6, 2012, 4:47 PM

Dec. 7, 2012— -- intro: Kate Middleton, a person of whom you might have heard, is pregnant with a human baby! Or possibly two, according to some sources. And already, Kate's baby (or babies) has given us so much, particularly in the form of horrifying baby-related coverage. Here are some of the scarier incarnations.

quicklist: 1title: American Royaltytext: If Kate ever feels overwhelmed by the pressure of being a celebrity mother-to-be with an unborn child that's engaging thousands of social media followers before getting around to developing hands, Snooki is available to offer parenting advice. In an interview with The New York Daily News, the Jersey Shore star advised Kate to "[e]njoy your time at home -- or the castle, in her case -- with the baby."

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quicklist: 2title: She Has Her Mother's Slight Blurtext: No matter what they decide to name the child, we won't have to speculate much on how it will look, because science has done much of the work for us. Take a look, for instance, at The Daily Mail's photos of the Royal Couple's child-to-be, courtesy of forensic artist Joe Mullins. We're now able to determine that Will and Kate's child will most likely turn into the guy from Weeds and Animal Practice or Carla Gugino. Or Matt Lauer.

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quicklist: 3title: #FollowFetustext: To keep up with the fetus, you can turn to any or all of its various Twitter accounts, from @RoyalFetus to the more Britishly-inclined @RoyalFoetus.

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quicklist: 4title: Star Treatmenttext: You can gaze adoringly and unceasingly at Kate's gradually expanding "bump" by keeping track of all the magazine covers sure to chronicle every moment of her pregnancy. Star got a jump on things in October of 2012 when it reworked an image of Kate to make her appear more pregnant-looking.

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quicklist: 5title: The Name Gametext: Did you know that actual adult people are placing bets on the name of a stranger who has yet to be born? Celebrity gossip blog Hollywood Life reports that online sports betting agency William Hill has the names "Elizabeth" and "Diana" favored to win, with "Charles" and "Frances" also ranking among the top picks. The report adds that "[m]ore bets are also in the works, including the baby's hair color, eye color and date of birth!"media: 17894016