Irish Bar Now Hiring, Apply Via Snapchat
More than 2,000 applicants have sent Snapchats to the Dublin bar.

— -- Hopeful candidates for a position at an Irish bar need not worry about a long application process, as Cork-based bar Sober Lane is currently accepting applicants for their new Dublin location via Snapchat.
“We wanted to cast a very wide net,” Earnest Cantillon, Sober Lane owner, told ABC News on his decision to use the popular messaging app.
Cantillon was successful in his quest, receiving more than 2,000 applications via Snapchat, compared with the 50 to 100 paper applications he typically receives for available positions.
“It makes it convenient for people to apply, and it makes it very convenient for us,” said Cantillon. “It would take forever to get through 2,000 paper applications.”
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Snapchat also gives a better indication of potential employees, according to Cantillon.
“You get to see someone in their natural environment,” said Cantillon. “In an interview people are very uptight and stressed, with Snapchat you get to see what the real person is like. You can get a lot more across than your typical CV.”
Sober Lane has already filled nine of the 15 to 20 open positions. Six of the nine applied through Snapchat.
“We’ve seen all sorts of things,” Cantillon said of the submitted Snapchats he’s seen so far.
Hopeful pub chefs making lunch, potential bartenders mixing drinks, prospective waitresses carrying trays, “Some are quite clever,” Cantillon said of the Snapchat applications.
Not all involved portraying serving-relevant skills.
Magic trick displays, applicants telling jokes, bicycle riding and juggling are just a few of the out-of-the-box submissions.
“There has been a very wide range,” Cantillon said on the variety.