Real Moms Share Their Best Mother's Day Gifts Ever
Busy moms share what they really want for Mother's Day.

May 3, 2014 — -- intro:What's the perfect gift for the mother in your life?
Most moms say they appreciate a sign of affection from their children or partners, whether they believe Mother's Day is a made-up holiday or not.
Ahead of Mother's Day 2014, which is Sunday, May 11, we asked moms to describe their best Mother's Day gifts ever, and here are their responses, some surprising, and all heartwarming:
quicklist:title: Annie Young-Scrivner: President of Teavanacategory: From Artists to Chefsmedia: 23571981text: “I have two amazing kids, Sebastian is 13 and Nicolette is 9. My favorite Mother's Day gift is something that they have made for me. I treasure the collection of pottery pieces and hand drawn art work from over the years. Now that they are older, they also make me breakfast. It's usually pancakes with my favorite cup of tea," said Young-Scrivner, who just introduced Oprah Chai Tea, created by media mogul Oprah Winfrey, this week.
Read More: Inside the Making of Oprah’s Starbucks Tea Line, Her ‘Aha’ Moment
quicklist:title: Bobbie Lloyd: Magnolia Bakery's Chief Baking Officercategory: Breakfast in Bedmedia: 23560210text:
"The best gift ever was when my 8-year-old made a huge mess of my kitchen and brought me breakfast in bed that she made herself. Complete with flowers, juice, pancakes, fresh fruit with whipped cream and coffee. What more could a mother ask for from an 8-year old?" said Lloyd.
Kerry Neal-Shaw, Magnolia Bakery's director of event sales, tells ABC News, "I’m going to be getting the best gift this year watching my daughter graduate from the University of Michigan."
quicklist:title: Danielle Mason: Teleflora Director, Consumer Marketingcategory: Personalized painting media: 23569438text:“Last year, my 3-year-old son presented me with a picture frame that he painted with a drawing of me and the things he ‘Loves about Mom.' I was so surprised and touched by the special things he said," Mason said. "I didn’t know that he viewed me as an ‘8-year old who gives the best hugs and kisses.' It is proudly displayed in my bedroom and it makes me feel like the luckiest mom in the world every time I see it.”
Read More: Girl With Leukemia Sells Homemade Mother's Day Cards for Cancer Research
quicklist:title: Lisa Jachno: Celebrity Manicurist, Co-founder of Labnailscategory: Coveted Designer Shoesmedia: 23567848text:
Celebrity manicurist Lisa Jachno co-founded Labnails, a new nail care collection, with her daughter, Alexandra.
"Alexandra is one of the most generous girls I know. She used to work at a very famous designer shoe store and they would give her four free pairs of shoes a year. Alexandra LOVES shoes and I had gone in and found a pair I absolutely loved, but they were way out of my price range. She surprised me on Mother's Day with their pricey pair that I wanted," Jachno said of the 2009 gift. "I was touched beyond words! Best gift a mother could ask for. I still wear those shoes and keep them in a safe box, they still look new! That being said, the world's greatest Mother's Day gift ever were my two beautiful and amazing kids, end of story."
Alexandra tells that she is proud of another Mother's Day gift she gave in 2011, a woman's seminar that took place on Mother's Day.
"I brought my mom and grandma there after having a really yummy breakfast, pumpkin pancakes and mimosas," Alexandra said. "The seminar was all about loving yourself, and appreciating being a woman. It honored all of the mothers in the room. I thought it was a thoughtful thing to do, but I have to agree with my mom....the shoes were the best."
quicklist:title: Laura McDowell: Manager of Public Relations for T.J.Maxx and Marshallscategory: Home Spa Day media: 23569297text:“The best gift I’ve ever received for Mother’s Day was a spa day at home set from my daughters, ages 7 and 10," McDowell said. "The basket included quality nail polish, pedicure supplies, an eye mask, bath salts, and scented candles. Like mother like daughter, so of course everything was from T.J.Maxx and Marshalls! It was really personalized and very relaxing, and we had so much fun together.”
quicklist:title: Abby Koenig: Communications Professor, University of Houston-Downtowncategory: Being a New Mommedia: 23571912text:"I am a brand new mother, who struggled for many years to get pregnant," Koenig said, pictured left with her sister, adding that it's been "two months going strong" as a mom. "So, this will be my first year as a mom. I can honestly say that no matter what 'present' my twin boys may give me -- from their dad -- having them and being a mother is and will be the best gift I will ever get... ever."
quicklist:title: Kelly Soligon: Marketing Senior Director, Microsoft Retail Storesmedia: 23573286category: FitBit Flextext: “Trying to fit in all the sports practices, science fairs, the job I get paid for, making lunches and more can be a lot," the mother of three young girls said. "I also want to model good physical fitness and eating habits for my girls. One of the best gifts I’ve received was a FitBit Flex. It helps me insure I’m getting my steps in and staying active. Plus, my girls have latched onto it. They are always asking me if I’m at my step goal. My 8-year old helped me hit the goal last night as we walked and practiced her spelling words out loud. It’s a great motivator and it’s evaluated our family conversations about healthy living. Plus, the FitBit Flex is available at the Microsoft Store!”
quicklist:title: Deborah Kazenelson: Executive Vice President, Edelmanmedia: 23573369category: Mom's Favorite Thingstext: Kazenelson of public relations firm Edelman said her favorite Mother's Day gifts have been “scrambled eggs in bed made with flavored coffee mate (no milk was available and they improvised and spent the afternoon nauseous), hand prints with a poem, a 'blue' stone ring because it’s my favorite color and the first heartfelt, in-depth note where my son described how he saw me and why he loved me.”