Pennsylvania Exit Poll: Governor
What are exit polls?
Exit polls are surveys conducted on Election Day at polling places across the country. People are asked who they voted for and what issues mattered most to them.
Learn more about exit polls and methodology.
Are you:
2,651 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Male 49% of respondents | 48% | 50% |
Female 51% of respondents | 63% | 37% |
Are you:
2,617 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
White 81% of respondents | 50% | 48% |
Black 8% of respondents | 92% | 8% |
Hispanic/Latino 8% of respondents | 72% | 25% |
Asian 2% of respondents | 0% | 0% |
Other 2% of respondents | 0% | 0% |
Are you:
2,617 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
White 81% of respondents | 50% | 48% |
Non-White 19% of respondents | 80% | 19% |
Sex by race
2,613 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
White men 41% of respondents | 43% | 55% |
White women 41% of respondents | 58% | 42% |
Black men 3% of respondents | 0% | 0% |
Black women 5% of respondents | 0% | 0% |
Latino men 4% of respondents | 0% | 0% |
Latino women 4% of respondents | 0% | 0% |
All other races 3% of respondents | 0% | 0% |
In which age group are you?
2,640 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
18-29 12% of respondents | 71% | 27% |
30-44 19% of respondents | 61% | 37% |
45-64 35% of respondents | 52% | 48% |
65 or over 34% of respondents | 51% | 47% |
To which age group do you belong?
2,640 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
18-44 31% of respondents | 65% | 33% |
45+ 69% of respondents | 52% | 48% |
In which age group are you?
2,640 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
18-24 7% of respondents | 72% | 25% |
25-29 5% of respondents | 69% | 31% |
30-39 13% of respondents | 64% | 34% |
40-49 11% of respondents | 55% | 44% |
50-64 29% of respondents | 51% | 49% |
65 or over 34% of respondents | 51% | 47% |
Which best describes your education? You have:
2,616 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Never attended college 24% of respondents | 41% | 59% |
Attended college but received no degree 21% of respondents | 59% | 38% |
Associate's degree (AA or AS) 14% of respondents | 54% | 44% |
Bachelor's degree (BA or BS) 23% of respondents | 58% | 41% |
An advanced degree after a bachelor's degree (such as JD, MA, MBA, MD, PhD) 18% of respondents | 72% | 27% |
What was the last grade of school you completed?
2,616 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
College graduate 41% of respondents | 64% | 35% |
No college degree 59% of respondents | 51% | 48% |
Education by race
2,577 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
White college graduates 35% of respondents | 62% | 37% |
White non-college graduates 47% of respondents | 43% | 56% |
Non White college graduates 6% of respondents | 76% | 23% |
Non White non-college graduates 12% of respondents | 82% | 17% |
Education by White by Sex
2,575 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
White women college graduates 17% of respondents | 69% | 30% |
White women non-college graduates 24% of respondents | 50% | 49% |
White men college graduates 18% of respondents | 55% | 44% |
White men non-college graduates 23% of respondents | 35% | 63% |
Non-whites 19% of respondents | 80% | 19% |
No matter how you voted today, do you usually think of yourself as a:
2,525 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Democrat 37% of respondents | 96% | 3% |
Republican 40% of respondents | 16% | 83% |
Independent or something else 24% of respondents | 64% | 33% |
Party by gender
2,519 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Democratic men 14% of respondents | 94% | 5% |
Democratic women 22% of respondents | 98% | 2% |
Republican men 21% of respondents | 15% | 84% |
Republican women 18% of respondents | 18% | 82% |
Independent men 13% of respondents | 60% | 36% |
Independent women 10% of respondents | 69% | 29% |
On most political matters, do you consider yourself:
2,469 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Liberal 25% of respondents | 94% | 4% |
Moderate 41% of respondents | 71% | 28% |
Conservative 34% of respondents | 13% | 86% |
Are you currently married?
1,111 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Yes 64% of respondents | 52% | 47% |
No 36% of respondents | 65% | 33% |
Gender by marital status
1,108 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Married men 36% of respondents | 49% | 50% |
Married women 29% of respondents | 55% | 44% |
Non-married men 14% of respondents | 53% | 43% |
Non-married women 21% of respondents | 73% | 27% |
Is this the first time you have ever voted in a midterm election?
1,165 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Yes 12% of respondents | 66% | 30% |
No 88% of respondents | 54% | 45% |
How do you feel about the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president?
1,130 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Strongly approve 17% of respondents | 96% | 4% |
Somewhat approve 29% of respondents | 95% | 4% |
Somewhat disapprove 11% of respondents | 65% | 31% |
Strongly disapprove 43% of respondents | 14% | 85% |
How do you feel about the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president?
1,130 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Strongly or somewhat approve 46% of respondents | 96% | 4% |
Strongly or somewhat disapprove 53% of respondents | 24% | 74% |
Which ONE of these five issues mattered most in deciding how you voted today: (CHECK ONLY ONE)
1,130 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Crime 11% of respondents | 55% | 42% |
Abortion 37% of respondents | 80% | 19% |
Inflation 28% of respondents | 33% | 66% |
Gun policy 9% of respondents | 0% | 0% |
Immigration 7% of respondents | 0% | 0% |
Do you think the condition of the nation's economy is:
1,170 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Excellent 3% of respondents | 0% | 0% |
Good 21% of respondents | 84% | 16% |
Not so good 37% of respondents | 72% | 26% |
Poor 38% of respondents | 19% | 79% |
Do you think the condition of the nation's economy is:
1,170 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Excellent or good 25% of respondents | 85% | 14% |
Not so good or poor 74% of respondents | 45% | 53% |
In the last year, has inflation caused you and your family:
1,102 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
A severe hardship 18% of respondents | 34% | 66% |
A moderate hardship 60% of respondents | 56% | 43% |
No hardship at all 21% of respondents | 78% | 19% |
Which comes closest to your position? Abortion should be:
1,130 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Legal in all cases 32% of respondents | 90% | 9% |
Legal in most cases 30% of respondents | 71% | 28% |
Illegal in most cases 26% of respondents | 17% | 82% |
Illegal in all cases 8% of respondents | 0% | 0% |
Which comes closest to your position? Abortion should be:
1,130 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Legal 62% of respondents | 81% | 18% |
Illegal 34% of respondents | 16% | 83% |
How do you feel about the Supreme Court decision on abortion this year that overturned Roe v. Wade:
1,102 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Enthusiastic 17% of respondents | 5% | 94% |
Satisfied, but not enthusiastic 21% of respondents | 22% | 76% |
Dissatisfied, but not angry 20% of respondents | 64% | 33% |
Angry 39% of respondents | 95% | 5% |
How do you feel about the Supreme Court decision on abortion this year that overturned Roe v. Wade:
1,102 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Enthusiastic or satisfied 38% of respondents | 14% | 84% |
Dissatisfied or angry 59% of respondents | 84% | 15% |
In the 2020 election for president, did you vote for:
1,130 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Joe Biden (Dem) 48% of respondents | 96% | 3% |
Donald Trump (Rep) 45% of respondents | 15% | 84% |
Other 3% of respondents | 0% | 0% |
Did not vote 3% of respondents | 0% | 0% |
Do you think that Joe Biden legitimately won the presidency in 2020?
1,102 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Yes 62% of respondents | 85% | 13% |
No 35% of respondents | 8% | 91% |
How confident are you that elections in your state are being conducted fairly and accurately?
1,130 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Very confident 43% of respondents | 88% | 11% |
Somewhat confident 30% of respondents | 47% | 52% |
Not very confident 19% of respondents | 20% | 77% |
Not at all confident 7% of respondents | 0% | 0% |
How confident are you that elections in your state are being conducted fairly and accurately?
1,130 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Confident 73% of respondents | 71% | 28% |
Not confident 26% of respondents | 17% | 81% |
Would you like to see Joe Biden run for president in 2024?
1,102 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Yes 28% of respondents | 87% | 11% |
No 69% of respondents | 43% | 56% |
Is your opinion of Donald Trump:
1,081 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Favorable 39% of respondents | 10% | 90% |
Unfavorable 58% of respondents | 87% | 11% |
Was one reason for your vote today:
919 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
To support Joe Biden 14% of respondents | 98% | 2% |
To oppose Joe Biden 29% of respondents | 8% | 90% |
Joe Biden was not a factor 54% of respondents | 73% | 26% |
Was one reason for your vote today:
919 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
To support Donald Trump 17% of respondents | 11% | 89% |
To oppose Donald Trump 26% of respondents | 93% | 5% |
Donald Trump was not a factor 55% of respondents | 53% | 45% |
Which candidate for governor do you trust to handle elections in Pennsylvania?
944 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Only Josh Shapiro 51% of respondents | 99% | 1% |
Only Doug Mastriano 35% of respondents | 1% | 99% |
Both of them 6% of respondents | 0% | 0% |
Neither of them 6% of respondents | 0% | 0% |
Do you trust Josh Shapiro to handle elections in Pennsylvania?
944 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Yes 57% of respondents | 94% | 6% |
No 41% of respondents | 8% | 91% |
Do you trust Doug Mastriano to handle elections in Pennsylvania?
944 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Yes 40% of respondents | 8% | 92% |
No 57% of respondents | 93% | 6% |
In today's election for U.S. Senate, did you just vote for:
2,638 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
John Fetterman 51% of respondents | 98% | 2% |
Mehmet Oz 48% of respondents | 11% | 89% |
Population of area, three categories
2,657 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
City over 50,000 27% of respondents | 72% | 28% |
Suburbs 62% of respondents | 52% | 47% |
Small city and Rural 11% of respondents | 39% | 58% |
Geo Stratum Code
2,657 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Philadelphia 9% of respondents | 90% | 10% |
Philly Suburbs 18% of respondents | 66% | 33% |
Northeast 20% of respondents | 48% | 51% |
Central 23% of respondents | 38% | 62% |
West 29% of respondents | 58% | 40% |